Saturday, October 12, 2013
We awoke inside the cave to a thud.
The ground shook,
A moment later there was another thud.
I got up and looked around. The other tribe members were waking looking around in a startled manner.
We all heard the next thud, coming from outside the cave entrance.
I did a quick head count, and all those who hit the hay inside the cave last night were accounted for. All but the fake Bill Thomas and the fake Linda, my old lady back on earth and who went through so much with me between September 2016 till we let earth December 2018, were the only two missing.
Another thud.
Sig ran out first, the rest of us close behind.
Since the Black Forest was named for its environment, extremely dark, there was no sunshine visible at the cave entrance.
Now sunlight brightened to clearing.
We all stepped out and rubbed our eyes. Instead of a high vegetative canopy overhead, we could see the sky.
Since it only took a second to cut through a tree with his laser, Bill was cutting down the trees with abandoned. He knew what he was doing, cutting large branches quickly, after they fell to the ground he would quickly cut them into three foot sections. A tree that probably took two hundred years to grow, Bill was cutting them down and cutting them up in moments.
Linda stood back, just to the left of the cave entrance, watching.
To our surprise, there were a couple other humanoid types there in the clearing, both operating one flame thrower, turning all the branches and laves to fire, then as.
These two were about the same size as Bill, but they had hooves. And horns. They looked like the Evil Incarnate monster that as living in the cave when we first got here, Sig eight months ago, myself three months ago. That would be earth time.
They also wore shorts that looked like they had a plaid pattern. It was hard to tell since they were so dirty, and, as we found out in moments, smelly.
There was more thudding noise, this time a distance away, we judged near the Black Forest rim, not far from where the black saucer sat. Finally able to see the trees falling in the heavily forested distance, it was obvious someone was knocking more trees down.
All of the tribe huddled, the women taking it harder then the men. We all had grow used to this little area of Black Forest we called Home. The price we paid for this little bit of land, our Home on Land, like the monster killing Dave, and all the work done burying the bones left inside, the remnants of the monsters meals, well, the price was heavy.
Jessica was next to Sig, "What are they doing?"
"Looks like they are cutting down the Forest."
"No," she said, with deep sadness.
"Where did these other things come from?"
"I don't know."
"Hey," Will said, after he moved to the edge of the cave clearing, "There's more saucers in the field."
"Holy shit," I said.
With the sky visible, two more saucers fell from the sky, stopping just before hitting the ground.
"We are in big trouble," Sig exclaimed.
More fires started near the Forest rim as more of the aliens held flame throwers.
Linda, who had been staring blankly ahead all of a sudden, came to life. She turned to us and pulled out her laser pointer.
"All you get in a line and start picking up the wood."
We didn't move being too depressed.
"Move it," she yelled, raising her pointer, aiming it at Sig's belly.
Scared and crying, the women shrunk back, Jessica carrying Adam, Monica holding Eve and Brian, my twins.
"All you, get in a line, and grab a piece of wood. This area has to be cleared by this afternoon. If you had worked yesterday, you would almost be done. Now get to work."
We looked at her for a coupe me moments.
Finally, she yelled at the top of her voice, "Get to work."
And so it started, Sig and I picked up a chunk of the trunk, and surprisingly, it was a lot lighter then we thought. It was like balsa wood on earth. Had we known it was so light, we would have been using it as building material.
We carried the first couple chunks into the cave, walking as far as we could until it got too dark.
I didn't realize at first we were being followed by one of the hoofed humanoids.
Stopping because it was too dark to continue, we were suddenly pushed and yelled at.
"Keep moving," the thing yelled in our ears.
Sig pointed out the obvious. "We can't continue with no light."
We didn't realize the thing following us was carrying one of the small flame throwers. It stepped up in front of us and blasted a twenty foot stream of flame that caught everything not made of stone on fire. There were a couple of torches attached to the wall which exploded in fire.
The second the flame light the room, I turned to look away from the intense flame, and caught a glimpse of Randy and Ronald as they slipped between a couple boulders, I believe the same place Junior and Jill hid as the huge evil incarnate monster chased me through the cave, only to be attacked by the Batties, then falling to it's death.
They saw me see them and I saw they had a bow and arrow, along with a spear.
I looked to Sig, who was picking up his large chunk of wood, No, he did not see Randy or Ronald.
I bent and picked up my hunk of wood as others from the tribe, including a couple of the women, started backing up behind us.
So one by one we walked to the cliff cave entrance and from the opening, since the trail here was gone, we tossed our log chunks over the edge.
Turning, we walked back through the tunnel back towards the quickly falling Black Forest.
Walking behind Sig, with the hoofed thing staying back near the cave cliff opening, we didn't
hurry, all of us realizing this was the new normal, to be slaves to these evil beings, sent here to ensure our positive spirit could not manifest into the incarnate self of multiple beings needed to expand the influence and light of Godhead.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
World comes to an end
LAST YEAR THE QUADSET SATELLITES were launched for one secret purpuse, to find out if the gravitational pull of our sloar sysstem could, in fact, make changes to our our climit.
The answer is yes, now they know.
Since they reached their orbit and went to work, earth has shifted on it's axis 2 dgrees, and it is still moving. That is why there will be no ice at the North Pole by next year.
Weather, like heavy rains (Colorado) will flood fields and snow will fal;l in the New York area 6 months of the year.
All is discribed in BOOK OF SIG,
Book of Sig: Order of the Universe Paperback
In the year 2020, Sig writes about how the Apocalypes occured on earth, starting with the drastic weather changes and why they happened, how the World Police State was implimented and depopulation was nearly fully realized, to how the human spirit survived, allowing Godhead to gain more power for the Universe
Book of John, Order of the Universe II (THE DIVINE PLAN, Order of the Universe) (Volume 2) Paperback
Book of Rachel: Order of the Universe III (The Divine Plan, Order of the Universe) (Volume 3) Paperback – May 26, 2013
Life of Rachel in 2016. After her fathers death in 2016 just as she turns 18, she travels down to Los Angeles to try modeling, but finds everything has changed since the GOP and Ideologues had restricted all entitlments, causing the New Depression, giving their masters, the families of the Illuminati to create a NWO, finally beginning the implentation of depopulation world wide. She arrives and is quickly abducted and conscribed into the New National Guard, who have been given the task of processing humans. She escapes and joins a movement to disrupt what the evil empire has implimented. She joins a film crew filming a Reality Show so the world can understand what the NWO in doing. She becomes the beautiful face of the movement and is declared Public Enemy number 2.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
"I met Cindy in 2014 at an Occupy Movement event in Seattle, as we were standing up for Affordable Health Care, since for some reason the Republicans were still against it. Eighty percent of the American people were for it, since most of us were covered, and health care cost was dropping, almost sixty-five percent. Obama finally got health care out of the hands of lobbyists, and back into the pockets of American's."
We all knew this, since we had all lived through it all, watching the Republican held House not doing anything positive for the lives of everyday Americans. Instead, they just fell to lobbyist money, not what we voted them in for. But their story as interesting, and satisfied our need to heal our homesickness.
"Since her father owned a hunting lodge near Mendenhall Glacier, and I was a hunting guide, it just made sense to move into the Lodge full time. Care take the place."
"Sounds sweet," somebody said, and since there were now more than twenty three adults, two preteens, and three babies here on Land at Home, I'm not sure about who said what. After all, two thirds of my attention was on my twins.
"We lived there for the next four years, eventually allowing four other couples move in, creating a survival type commune, living off the land, hunting caribou and rabbits. It was great, until last year, after DC was nuked. There was a wave of people moving north, getting out of the lower forty eight. Herds of caribou were slaughtered, the rivers were netted and the salmon were whipped out."
We all looked at each other, Hans stoked the fire.
"The military never arrived in the great state of Alaska. We watched all the "The New Reality Shows', the show that Rachel has started again after seven months of the show being of the air. We recorded them all, wondering if it was all true. We wondered how can all that be true. From the SEVEN nuking DC and New York, to the slaughter of twenty thousand at the Georgia Guide stones, over and over. The boxes loaded with bodies and shipped by High Speed Rail. We finally figured it was real when they filmed in Camp FEMA Barstow. Man, how can they do that to people?"
Sig said, "Take over our farms, and starve the world. It was easy."
"Yah, well, we're glad we're here. Aren't we babe?"
His wife nodded and smiled.
"So, anyway, drones finally arrived, strafing all the people who came to Alaska to escape the New World Order. We learned to hide most of the days, ventured out to trap rabbits at night."
"The last month was the worst. We were barely surviving. All we had was watching the 'The New Reality Show'. Man that Rachel is hot."
With that, his mate, Cindy hit him mockingly on the leg.
"Stay focused," Sig said.
"Hey, just kidding."
"What about weather. We heard there is a hurricane outside Florida," Ken asked. "We live in the Keys."
"The news says the storm, bigger then Sandy and Saul, has destroyed everything north of Orlando. Disney World has been leveled. The supper storm is now bearing down on the cratered DC area, the tubes are filling with water."
"The tubes?"
"The subways. The storm is now bearing down on Connecticut, and is flooding all the way inland with heavy rain to Augusta."
"And New York?"
"What, New York State? There isn't any New York City anymore. Everyone within fifty miles has been evacuated because of the nuclear fallout. But now, the whole eastern seaboard is being evacuated. The ocean surge is expected to be over fifteen feet."
"Like the Newport surge two years ago."
"Was it that long ago already? So it seems the safest place on earth right now is South America, which has been renamed SOAMER. They are the only continent not nuked. The fallout is worldwide now, thanks to the Jet Stream."
"Which is why the ABSOLUTE is centered there, being the safest place on the planet," Ronald theorized.
"They had an earthquake there just before the SEVEN announced who they were. It killed the New World Order rep from China," Dave reminded us.
Rick filled in, "But they haven't had any major storms there. Oh, the water is rising around the world and Copacabana Beach has eroded away, but they still call the place paradise."
"Okay, it's getting late. Tomorrow, we will send a small group off towards the Pigmy Nation, find out if they survived the rain and flooding they had to experience in the last couple days. Check in on Fawn and Dieter. We also will check the cliff trail; see if it needs any rebuilding, since that way might be our only escape if another monster shows up."
Rick and Cindy looked at each other in confusion.
We split up, gathering in little groups as we began the bedding process, always leaving two on watch.
All the past was explained to the new couple, like the monster maybe killing two people since we got here. Dave was killed, and Umbala's husband, although that was not proved.
Rick and Cindy were still confused, like all newcomers, hoping and preying this was heaven.
The next morning, Will, Hans, Ronald and myself let the Black Forest, turning left, and head down the long trail through the low hills heading towards Lake Crawdad.
"What do you think we'll find," Ronald asked. The last time he had seen them, he was held at spear point and scared beyond belief. He was a good guy, never been in a fight, never raised his voice.
"If it rained as hard as it did here, there might be nothing left, since all the buildings are made of adobe" I said.
"So they are probably rebuilding."
"Sure, I guess."
"So, where do you think they came from?"
"Who, the Pigmy's?"
"Dude, they came from earth, just like us. The biggest difference, they came here hundreds of years ago."
"They were brought here a long time ago, taken from the jungles of Central Africa, maybe at the same time white Europeans discovered them about eight hundred years ago."
"So why were they brought here?"
"I don't know. Why were we brought here. To nurture the positive spirit? I believe that's the case. These people were probably living within their means in the jungles, and once discovered, were subjected and subverted, forces to believe in something they didn't need to survive peacefully and spiritually."
"What do you mean, forced to believe in something they didn't need?"
"Forces to turn Christian, like the American Incans, or the Aztec, Incan, Mayans who were forced to turn Catholic."
"What did they have to believe in?"
"All the early civilizations believed in the same thing. They believed in the Star People."
"The ones who are setting up these different colony's throughout the Verse."
Ronald looked at me.
"The grey's," I said. "The ones who do the bidding of Godhead, the creator of the Verse."
At that time, we turned a corner around the mountain we were traversing, and we could see the Pigmy Town at the Lake side. From our vantage point, there was nothing there.
The trail was hard to follow, being routed with rain damage, looking like it had become a river. All the water from our bigger valley all funneled this way, except the water that flowed through our cave and out the cliff trail entrance.
So, again, we saw nothing. No pigmy's, no Fawn and Dieter.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Maggie's KIDNAPPERS TAKE HER OUT OF Belize INTO Yucatan territory.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
ROSICRUCIANISM almost A YEAR AGO, I WROTE ABOUT THE CONNECTION BETWEEN ROSICRUCIANISM AND THE Georgia Guide Stones. A couple nights ago I saw it on TV, explaining who JC Christian was, who commissioned the Guide Stones and a=was never seen again.
The ROSICRUCIANISM have been around since the 16th Century, and now all the Illuminati Families are tied to ROSICRUCIANISM.
Thanks to nutrition and water rights, they intend to kill off 7 billion people, the black coffins, big enough to hold six humans are also manufactured in Georgia.
You can read about it in my book, BOOK OF JOHN.
Book of John, Order of the Universe II
Authored by Gary Randall Braithwaite $15.99
List Price:
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
BATTLE OF SAINT GEORGE'S CAYE Graphic Novel, Webisode 14
After rescuing Maggie from Diego Bustamante's hide out at El Castille Mayan Ruins, Steve, Peter and the other slaves and the two Mayan's who helped cross over into Belize from Yucatan.
After rescuing Maggie from Diego Bustamante's hide out at El Castille Mayan Ruins, Steve, Peter and the other slaves and the two Mayan's who helped cross over into Belize from Yucatan.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
In 1791, a Spanish troop entered Belize from Yucatan Peninsula to remove the English and Scottish loggers who were making vast amounts of money logging Belize's interior. Problem was, Spain had claimed the territory and were seeing no profits.
A group of slaves, on their own, head off the troops at Rio On Pools and ambushed them.
In 1791, a Spanish troop entered Belize from Yucatan Peninsula to remove the English and Scottish loggers who were making vast amounts of money logging Belize's interior. Problem was, Spain had claimed the territory and were seeing no profits.
A group of slaves, on their own, head off the troops at Rio On Pools and ambushed them.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
From hand drawn Graphic Novel, BAYMEN OF BELIZE
This Graphic Novel, with 3,300 separate drawings took 9,000 hours to complete.
It consists of 115 separate 5 minute segments, called Webisodes, only about 8 can be seen now on Youtube.
This is a movie that might go into production next year, if funding falls into place
This Graphic Novel, with 3,300 separate drawings took 9,000 hours to complete.
It consists of 115 separate 5 minute segments, called Webisodes, only about 8 can be seen now on Youtube.
This is a movie that might go into production next year, if funding falls into place
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Who Knew Crawdad's Could Scream
Junior, Jerry and I woke up to the sound of screaming.
It appeared to be just before dawn.
Jumping quickly to our feet, we all three looked in the direction of the screaming.
The screaming was coming from the crawdad freeway to the bushes.
A naked humanoid was grabbing all the crawdads it could get, and the crawdads were fighting back. Their claws, bigger than the ones at out creek and stream above the cliff face, were doing good damage on the humanoid’s hands, face, and legs. It was hard to tell which was screaming. Was it the crawdads, as a defensive measure, or the short humanoid that gathered them up, in pain from the bites the claws inflicted?
"Hay," I said, startling the humanoid, we could tell it was a mail. He looked at us, made one more swipe at the river of moving crawdads, grabbing a couple more and was off running in the other direction along the lake.
Junior began giving chase, which I curtailed for a couple reasons. One, it was obvious the short humanoid was fast and left Junior in the dust, and two, like on earth, a chimpanzee can rip a humans arm out of its socket, and use the arm to beat you to death.
As it ran away, it looked more like a pigmy than an official human, whatever official was. It had long hair, a long craggy beard, and ran off like a track star, not the early earth species we thought it resembled at first as it bent to grab crawdads.
We walked over to the crawdad freeway and noticed the new species to us left no track. It had been so lite and fast it moved across the ground without leaving any footprints.
The crawdads were now continuing as before, hundreds, perhaps thousands leaving the bushed area heading back to the lake.
"Interesting," Ronald said. "The crawdad's all leave the water at night, and return in the morning.
As the last of the crawdads scurried off to the waters edge, the same time the sun was cresting the hilly horizon, we wondered.
"I suppose we should see where they go at night," Ronald said as he looked at the bush line.
"My guess is that they have evolved to retrieve food from land, since maybe there isn't enough food in the lake," I postulated.
'It's possible," he said. "Let's take a look."
Ronald and Junior were on their knees by this time, the smaller Junior, still only nine years old, advancing under the brush ahead of him.
Junior disappeared under the brush while Ronald watched from ground level.
In a few moments, Ronald said, "Anything back there?"
"How far has he gone," I asked Ronald?
Ronald turned to me. "About thirty feet so far."
"Don't go too far," I yelled.
"I found the end," Junior yelled back.
Standing there by myself, now that Ronald was half under the brush, I looked around. I looked up the distant river that lead to the H Block complex and the cliff behind, now looking small from this distance.
Behind me was the lake, the other side invisible do the curve of the horizon, to my right, the river emptied into the lake a good half mile away, and t my left, grass covered hills as far as I could see.
Something caught my attention on one of the little hilltops a half mile away, in the direction the pigmy ran too. Movement. There it was, the pigmy we scared away. At least I assumed it was the pigmy we saw, until another stood next to it on the little grass covered hilltop.
Then two more appeared. We were now outnumbered, and on their turf.
Oblivious to the new danger, Junior yelled out, "There's an open area back here. A trail heads off to the left. I can stand up here, but I have to bend over. Want me to follow it?"
"No Junior. We got company. Get out of there as fast as you can."
When I said that, Ronald reacted with a start, and quickly jumped to his feet, looking in the direction that had my attention.
By that time there were six of the pygmy's.
"Are there six of them," Ronald asked?
"Seven now."
"Junior," yelled Ronald, "get out quick."
We could hear Junior huffing as he scurried out and into the open, quickly standing next to Roland and myself.
"Let's get moving," I said, and there was no dissension.
We hustled towards where we had spent the night and grabbed our kits with the water bladders, jerky and spears, and headed off towards the river, taking a perpendicular track to reach the river as close to the H Block demolished city as we could take.
We all keep our eyes open behind us, watching the pigmy’s advance. There were now more than thirty.
We were jogging as we made it to the demolished city jumping from H Block to H Block, till we were half way through, then glanced back. The pigmy’s had stopped before reaching the city perimeter, they stood there watching as we made it to the other side. The city, as it turned out, was from hill to hill and up the sides of the hills.
"You think they don't want to enter the city?"
"Good chance, Ronald. Lucky for us."
Junior added, "What if they were friendly?"
"Maybe they are, and maybe someday we can set up a meet and greet, scratch their backs and maybe they will scratch ours.
It occurred to us that at that time, we had a three Battie escort. We don't know when they joined us, but maybe like the Batties who protected us and helped kill the devil incarnate, we should take heed.
It would take another hour to reach the cliff face and begin the assent.
Bill awoke first, due to his universal jet lag, and packed his meager belongings. He had, like I said before, places to go, things to meet. He had to hit two star systems in the next couple days. There was a conference on xxxxxxxxxx for new enlighten soles, for planetary representatives who would later take on all of their planetary systems positive life force, and one day melt into the goodness of Godhead, like he had watched Jesus do just a
Book of John, Order of the Universe II (THE DIVINE PLAN, Order of the Universe) (Volume 2) by Gary Randall Braithwaite (Mar 8, 2013)
$19.95$18.95 Paperback- Order in the next 20 hours and get it by Friday, Aug 30.
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Friday, August 23, 2013
Rare Predatory Flatworm, found in Tustin
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Working with Malcom McDowell and Jeremy Piven on Entourgue
<iframe src="" width="1280" height="720" frameborder="0"></iframe>
I'm seated in middle, center frame.
and walking in front of camera
<iframe src="" width="1280" height="720" frameborder="0"></iframe>
I'm seated in middle, center frame.
and walking in front of camera
<iframe src="" width="1280" height="720" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Saturday, August 17, 2013
<iframe src="" width="1280" height="720" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Friday, August 16, 2013
Golf trick drives
<iframe src="" width="1280" height="720" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Last words written on BOOK OF JOHN II
The Batty
on my head stayed motionless, its face still inches away from Jill. Jill was a
pre-teen, but Junior got the feeling, he said, that if anything else came out
of Jill’s mouth, it would have bit her.
They heard
another growl, sounding like only ten feet away. They could hear it breathing.
Will and I
walked about two miles heading where the beasts had come from. Finally, we saw
the orchard. Another half mile and we were there, picking the fruit off the
tops of the trees. These fruit were green. We tasted a couple making sure they
were ripe. They were the best of all the orchards. They tasted sweet.
our bags, we head off back towards the lake. We still had a couple eels to
catch, if we could. They could be all full, not tracking us. Maybe they
wouldn't be there when we had the hook we left in our hands.
we made it back to the lake in an hour, then another hour back to where the
lake fed the creek that flowed past Home. There was scant evidence of a herd of
beasts that we knew we were following, the grass covering the evidence quickly.
We took a
brake there, once we had the hidden eel hook in hand, and waited for signs of
returning eels. It was a long wait.
naked, Junior and Jill hid behind the fallen tree, waiting for the breathing
they heard in the distance to go away.
Batties waited with them, this time there was no replacement coming.
From the
crest of the little hill that divided the two valleys, thy herd their names
Junior? Where are you? Jill?
It was
Jill’s father and he sounded worried. His daughter had never been away this
monster in the Black forest let out a huff, then Junior heard it shuffling back
into the blackness.
Batties didn't move, so neither did Junior or Jill. After moments, Junior got a
little bolder, and found a branch he could peek around to view the Forest. He
heard the huffing but saw nothing, thinking maybe this thing they now knew was
there was invisible.
Jill could
see the opposite direction as her father Hans continued to call for her. She
saw him looking around, towards the pyramid, up the stream, finally at the
Black Forest.
He stared
for a minute, looking at the expanse of the Forest. From where he stood, he
could see over a mile of Black Forest perimeter. There was a lot to see. He
yelled his daughters name again.
Junior was
looking at the forest when Hans yelled out "Jill."
monster appeared from the darkened forest, advanced to the perimeter with a
speed that surprised Junior, causing him to gasp. The Batty next to him gave
him a glance that said, "Be quiet."
monster was smaller then Junior assumed, even hunched over it stood about five
feet. It had a wolf face, snout with teeth sticking out even when its mouth was
closed. It had horns that curled back, and it slobbered and drooled as it
stared out.
It arms
hung long, almost to its knees, the feet were hooves. It stood there naked, spotty
hair covering most of its body. It was a male.
realized then that he could smell the monster. It smelled like death.
He also
realized the monster had bad eyesight. It was looking around for where Jill's father’s
voice was coming from.
father, Hans, was still standing on the slight hilltop, now looking only at the
Forest. Something got his attention, so he walked to the left towards the
stream. It was a quarter mile when he came upon Junior and Jill’s cloths,
neatly laid out on the rock. He was now about fifty yards from the Forest edge.
He picked
up Jill's shorts, looked around looking pissed. What were Junior and his
daughter doing? They were naked and together somewhere, maybe doing something
they should not be doing.
xxxxxx, Jill’s
mother crested the hill. "You find her," she yelled?
Junior was
still looking at the monster, noticing it now was focusing more on where Hans
had walked too, which was in its visual range. Between focusing, then raising
its nose and sniffing, it was very animated. A couple times
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
(NaturalNews) Codeath (sorry, I meant Codex) Alimentarius, latin for Food Code, is a very misunderstood organization that most people (including nearly all U.S. congressmen) have never heard of, never mind understand the true reality of this extremely powerful trade organization. From the official Codex website ( the altruistic purpose of this commission is in "protecting health of the consumers and ensuring fair trade practices in the food trade, and promoting coordination of all food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations". Codex is a joint venture regulated by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO).
Brief History of Codex
The history of Codex began in 1893 when the Austria-Hungarian empire decided it needed a specific set of guidelines by which the courts could rule on cases dealing with food [1]. This regulatory set of mandates became known as Codex Alimentarius and was effectively implemented until the fall of the empire in 1918. The United Nations (UN) met in 1962 and decided that Codex should be re-implemented worldwide in order to protect health of the consumers. Two-thirds of funding for Codex emanates from the FAO while the other third comes from the WHO.
In 2002, the FAO and WHO had serious concerns about the direction of Codex and hired an external consultant to determine its performance since 1962 and to designate which direction to take the trade organization [2]. The consultant concluded that Codex should be immediately scrapped and eliminated. It was at this time that big industry realized the full monetary potential of this organization and exerted its powerful influence. The updated outcome was a toned down report asking Codex to address 20 various concerns within the organization.
Since 2002, the Codex Alimentarius Commission has covertly surrendered its role as an international public health and consumer protection organization. Under the helm of big industry, the sole surreptitious purpose of the new codex is to increase profits for the global corporate juggernauts while controlling the world through food. The implicit understanding of their philosophy is that if you control food, you control the world.
Codex Now
The most dominant country behind the agenda of Codex is the United States whose sole purpose is to benefit multinational interests like Big Pharma, Big Agribusiness, Big Chema and the like. At the latest meeting in Geneva, the U.S. recently became the chair of Codex which will facilitate an exacerbation of the distortion of health freedom and will continue the promulgation of misinformation and lies about genetically modified organism (GMOs) and nutrients while fulfilling the tacit population control agenda. The reason the U.S. continues to dominate Codex is because other countries falsely believe the U.S. possesses the latest and greatest safety technology when it comes to food and hence, whatever the U.S. asks for, its allies (E.U., Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore) follow suit nearly every time.
Many of the countries who wish to participate and want to voice their opinions are not allowed to attend the Codex meetings as the U.S. denies most visas for these representatives whenever they feel like it. Many of these countries (South Africa, Swaziland, Kenya, Ghana, Egypt, Cameroon, Sudan, Nigeria) realize that Codex has been altered from a benevolent food organization to one that is fraudulent, lethal and illegitimate. The fact that Codex meetings are held all over the world is also no accident and allows the U.S. to maintain its tight grip on the Codex agenda as the less economically viable countries are not able to attend.
The Real Threat
While the esoteric agenda of the media is busy driving fear into the hearts of the world by focusing on terrorism, global warming, salmonella, and food shortages, the real threats are clandestinely becoming a reality. Soon every single thing you put into your mouth (with the exception of pharmaceuticals, of course) will be highly regulated by Codex Alimentarius, including water. The standards of Codex are a complete affront to the freedom of clean and healthy food, yet these regulations have no legal international standing. Why should we be worried? These soon-to-be mandatory standards will apply to every country who are members of the WTO (World Trade Organization). If countries do not follow these standards, then enormous trade sanctions will result. Some Codex standards that will take effect on December 31, 2009 and once initiated are completely irrevocable include [2]:
* All nutrients (vitamins and minerals) are to be considered toxins/poisons and are to be removed from all food because Codex prohibits the use of nutrients to "prevent, treat or cure any condition or disease"
* All food (including organic) is to be irradiated, removing all toxic nutrients from food (unless eaten locally and raw).
* Nutrients allowed will be limited to a Positive List developed by Codex which will include such beneficial nutrients like Fluoride (3.8 mg daily) developed from environmental waste. All other nutrients will be prohibited nationally and internationally to all Codex-compliant countries [2].
* All nutrients (e.g., CoQ10, Vitamins A, B, C, D, Zinc and Magnesium) that have any positive health impact on the body will be deemed illegal under Codex and are to be reduced to amounts negligible to humans' health [3].
* You will not even be able to obtain these anywhere in the world even with a prescription.
* All advice on nutrition (including written online or journal articles or oral advice to a friend, family member or anyone) will be illegal. This includes reports on vitamins and minerals and all nutritionist's consultations.
* All dairy cows are to be treated with Monsanto's recombinant bovine growth hormone.
* All animals used for food are to be treated with potent antibiotics and exogenous growth hormones.
* The reintroduction of deadly and carcinogenic organic pesticides that in 1991, 176 countries (including the U.S.) have banned worldwide including 7 of the 12 worst at the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pesticides (e.g., Hexachlorobenzene, Toxaphene, and Aldrin) will be allowed back into food at elevated levels [4].
* Dangerous and toxic levels (0.5 ppb) of aflotoxin in milk produced from moldy storage conditions of animal feed will be allowed. Aflotoxin is the second most potent (non-radiation) carcinogenic compound known to man.
* Mandatory use of growth hormones and antibiotics on all food herds, fish and flocks
* Worldwide implementation of unlabeled GMOs into crops, animals, fish and trees.
* Elevated levels of residue from pesticides and insecticides that are toxic to humans and animals.
Some examples of potential permissible safe levels of nutrients under Codex include [2]:
* Niacin - upper limits of 34 mcg daily (effective daily doses include 2000 to 3000 mcgs).
* Vitamin C - upper limits of 65 to 225 mcg daily (effective daily doses include 6000 to 10000 mcgs).
* Vitamin D - upper limits of 5 μg daily (effective daily doses include 6000 to 10000 μg).
* Vitamin E - upper limits of 15 IU of alpha tocopherol only per day, even though alpha tocopherol by itself has been implicated in cell damage and is toxic to the body (effective daily doses of mixed tocopherols include 10000 to 12000 IU).
The Door is Open for Codex
In 1995, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) created an illegal policy stating that international standards (i.e, Codex) would supersede U.S. laws governing all food even if these standards were incomplete [5]. Furthermore, in 2004 the U.S. passed the Central American Free Trade Agreement (illegal under U.S. law, but legal under international law) that requires the U.S. to conform to Codex in December of 2009 [6].
Once these standards are adopted there is no possible way to return to the standards of the old. Once Codex compliance begins in any area, as long as we remain a member of the WTO, it is totally irrevocable. These standards are then unable to be repealed, changed or altered in any way shape or form [1, 2, 7].
Population control for money is the easiest way to describe the new Codex which is run by the U.S. and controlled by Big Pharma and the like to reduce the population to a sustainable 500 million - a reduction of approximately 93 percent. The FAO and WHO have the audacity to estimate that by the introduction of just the vitamin and mineral guideline alone, at a minimum 3 billion deaths (1 billion from starvation and another 2 billion from preventable and degenerative diseases of under nutrition, e.g., cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes) will result.
Degraded, demineralized, pesticide-filled and irradiated foods are the fastest and most efficient way to cause a profitable surge in malnutrition, preventable and degenerative disease which the most appropriate course of action is always pharmaceuticals. Death for profit is the new name of the game. Big Pharma has been waiting for this opportunity for years.
Fighting Back
Dr. Rima Laibow, M.D., who is the medical director for Natural Solutions Foundation, has undertaken legal action against the U.S. government and continues to attend every Codex meeting while fighting for your health freedom. The latest Codex meeting in Geneva heard some dissenting voices that were tired of the U.S. bullying every other country in the world with its population control agenda. Brazil and China have stated that when smaller, underrepresented countries are unable to attend Codex meetings (due to the U.S. not allowing Visas or for lack of monetary means) then every decision made in their absence is invalid. As a result, Codex may soon fall apart under the weight of it own corruption, but pressure needs to be unilaterally applied.
Dr. Rima has also been meeting with delegates from other countries and making them aware of something called Private Standards. Private standards allow countries to draft food standards which are safer and higher than those mandated by Codex. Obviously, this is not a very difficult task and many countries can seemingly circumvent the flawed and irrevocable guidelines Codex is attempting to implement on December 31, 2009 [7].
What Can You Do?
The only way to avoid such cataclysmic events are to fight with the dissemination of knowledge to everyone you know. It does not matter whether they are still asleep or hypnotized by the enslavement of daily life or too busy to pay attention -- the time to wake up is now. The U.S. government and the collaborating media have been trying to distract America while all these egregious and mandatory standards are covertly passed. It is time to take action and you can do so by going to ( and following the latest updates on Codex. You can also sign a legal citizen's petition here: ( .
Another effective way to get your voice heard is through sending emails or writing to your congressman ( . If you send one email to congress, it will ostensibly count as 13,000 emails. The U.S. Congress believes that for each person who takes the time to write or email them there are another 13,000 others who share similar views but do not take the time to promulgate them. Those living in other countries need to contact their representatives in order to have your voice heard. It is very important that swift and vociferous action be taken now. Times are changing very rapidly and unless we all come together on this issue we may all have to start thinking about growing our own food in the near future to avoid extermination.
Codex Contacts to Take Action
Dr. F. Edward Scarbrough U.S. Manager for Codex U.S. Department of Agriculture 4861-South Building Washington, DC 20250 Phone: (202) 205-7760 Fax: (202) 720-3157
Brief History of Codex
The history of Codex began in 1893 when the Austria-Hungarian empire decided it needed a specific set of guidelines by which the courts could rule on cases dealing with food [1]. This regulatory set of mandates became known as Codex Alimentarius and was effectively implemented until the fall of the empire in 1918. The United Nations (UN) met in 1962 and decided that Codex should be re-implemented worldwide in order to protect health of the consumers. Two-thirds of funding for Codex emanates from the FAO while the other third comes from the WHO.
In 2002, the FAO and WHO had serious concerns about the direction of Codex and hired an external consultant to determine its performance since 1962 and to designate which direction to take the trade organization [2]. The consultant concluded that Codex should be immediately scrapped and eliminated. It was at this time that big industry realized the full monetary potential of this organization and exerted its powerful influence. The updated outcome was a toned down report asking Codex to address 20 various concerns within the organization.
Since 2002, the Codex Alimentarius Commission has covertly surrendered its role as an international public health and consumer protection organization. Under the helm of big industry, the sole surreptitious purpose of the new codex is to increase profits for the global corporate juggernauts while controlling the world through food. The implicit understanding of their philosophy is that if you control food, you control the world.
Codex Now
The most dominant country behind the agenda of Codex is the United States whose sole purpose is to benefit multinational interests like Big Pharma, Big Agribusiness, Big Chema and the like. At the latest meeting in Geneva, the U.S. recently became the chair of Codex which will facilitate an exacerbation of the distortion of health freedom and will continue the promulgation of misinformation and lies about genetically modified organism (GMOs) and nutrients while fulfilling the tacit population control agenda. The reason the U.S. continues to dominate Codex is because other countries falsely believe the U.S. possesses the latest and greatest safety technology when it comes to food and hence, whatever the U.S. asks for, its allies (E.U., Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore) follow suit nearly every time.
Many of the countries who wish to participate and want to voice their opinions are not allowed to attend the Codex meetings as the U.S. denies most visas for these representatives whenever they feel like it. Many of these countries (South Africa, Swaziland, Kenya, Ghana, Egypt, Cameroon, Sudan, Nigeria) realize that Codex has been altered from a benevolent food organization to one that is fraudulent, lethal and illegitimate. The fact that Codex meetings are held all over the world is also no accident and allows the U.S. to maintain its tight grip on the Codex agenda as the less economically viable countries are not able to attend.
The Real Threat
While the esoteric agenda of the media is busy driving fear into the hearts of the world by focusing on terrorism, global warming, salmonella, and food shortages, the real threats are clandestinely becoming a reality. Soon every single thing you put into your mouth (with the exception of pharmaceuticals, of course) will be highly regulated by Codex Alimentarius, including water. The standards of Codex are a complete affront to the freedom of clean and healthy food, yet these regulations have no legal international standing. Why should we be worried? These soon-to-be mandatory standards will apply to every country who are members of the WTO (World Trade Organization). If countries do not follow these standards, then enormous trade sanctions will result. Some Codex standards that will take effect on December 31, 2009 and once initiated are completely irrevocable include [2]:
* All nutrients (vitamins and minerals) are to be considered toxins/poisons and are to be removed from all food because Codex prohibits the use of nutrients to "prevent, treat or cure any condition or disease"
* All food (including organic) is to be irradiated, removing all toxic nutrients from food (unless eaten locally and raw).
* Nutrients allowed will be limited to a Positive List developed by Codex which will include such beneficial nutrients like Fluoride (3.8 mg daily) developed from environmental waste. All other nutrients will be prohibited nationally and internationally to all Codex-compliant countries [2].
* All nutrients (e.g., CoQ10, Vitamins A, B, C, D, Zinc and Magnesium) that have any positive health impact on the body will be deemed illegal under Codex and are to be reduced to amounts negligible to humans' health [3].
* You will not even be able to obtain these anywhere in the world even with a prescription.
* All advice on nutrition (including written online or journal articles or oral advice to a friend, family member or anyone) will be illegal. This includes reports on vitamins and minerals and all nutritionist's consultations.
* All dairy cows are to be treated with Monsanto's recombinant bovine growth hormone.
* All animals used for food are to be treated with potent antibiotics and exogenous growth hormones.
* The reintroduction of deadly and carcinogenic organic pesticides that in 1991, 176 countries (including the U.S.) have banned worldwide including 7 of the 12 worst at the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pesticides (e.g., Hexachlorobenzene, Toxaphene, and Aldrin) will be allowed back into food at elevated levels [4].
* Dangerous and toxic levels (0.5 ppb) of aflotoxin in milk produced from moldy storage conditions of animal feed will be allowed. Aflotoxin is the second most potent (non-radiation) carcinogenic compound known to man.
* Mandatory use of growth hormones and antibiotics on all food herds, fish and flocks
* Worldwide implementation of unlabeled GMOs into crops, animals, fish and trees.
* Elevated levels of residue from pesticides and insecticides that are toxic to humans and animals.
Some examples of potential permissible safe levels of nutrients under Codex include [2]:
* Niacin - upper limits of 34 mcg daily (effective daily doses include 2000 to 3000 mcgs).
* Vitamin C - upper limits of 65 to 225 mcg daily (effective daily doses include 6000 to 10000 mcgs).
* Vitamin D - upper limits of 5 μg daily (effective daily doses include 6000 to 10000 μg).
* Vitamin E - upper limits of 15 IU of alpha tocopherol only per day, even though alpha tocopherol by itself has been implicated in cell damage and is toxic to the body (effective daily doses of mixed tocopherols include 10000 to 12000 IU).
The Door is Open for Codex
In 1995, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) created an illegal policy stating that international standards (i.e, Codex) would supersede U.S. laws governing all food even if these standards were incomplete [5]. Furthermore, in 2004 the U.S. passed the Central American Free Trade Agreement (illegal under U.S. law, but legal under international law) that requires the U.S. to conform to Codex in December of 2009 [6].
Once these standards are adopted there is no possible way to return to the standards of the old. Once Codex compliance begins in any area, as long as we remain a member of the WTO, it is totally irrevocable. These standards are then unable to be repealed, changed or altered in any way shape or form [1, 2, 7].
Population control for money is the easiest way to describe the new Codex which is run by the U.S. and controlled by Big Pharma and the like to reduce the population to a sustainable 500 million - a reduction of approximately 93 percent. The FAO and WHO have the audacity to estimate that by the introduction of just the vitamin and mineral guideline alone, at a minimum 3 billion deaths (1 billion from starvation and another 2 billion from preventable and degenerative diseases of under nutrition, e.g., cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes) will result.
Degraded, demineralized, pesticide-filled and irradiated foods are the fastest and most efficient way to cause a profitable surge in malnutrition, preventable and degenerative disease which the most appropriate course of action is always pharmaceuticals. Death for profit is the new name of the game. Big Pharma has been waiting for this opportunity for years.
Fighting Back
Dr. Rima Laibow, M.D., who is the medical director for Natural Solutions Foundation, has undertaken legal action against the U.S. government and continues to attend every Codex meeting while fighting for your health freedom. The latest Codex meeting in Geneva heard some dissenting voices that were tired of the U.S. bullying every other country in the world with its population control agenda. Brazil and China have stated that when smaller, underrepresented countries are unable to attend Codex meetings (due to the U.S. not allowing Visas or for lack of monetary means) then every decision made in their absence is invalid. As a result, Codex may soon fall apart under the weight of it own corruption, but pressure needs to be unilaterally applied.
Dr. Rima has also been meeting with delegates from other countries and making them aware of something called Private Standards. Private standards allow countries to draft food standards which are safer and higher than those mandated by Codex. Obviously, this is not a very difficult task and many countries can seemingly circumvent the flawed and irrevocable guidelines Codex is attempting to implement on December 31, 2009 [7].
What Can You Do?
The only way to avoid such cataclysmic events are to fight with the dissemination of knowledge to everyone you know. It does not matter whether they are still asleep or hypnotized by the enslavement of daily life or too busy to pay attention -- the time to wake up is now. The U.S. government and the collaborating media have been trying to distract America while all these egregious and mandatory standards are covertly passed. It is time to take action and you can do so by going to ( and following the latest updates on Codex. You can also sign a legal citizen's petition here: ( .
Another effective way to get your voice heard is through sending emails or writing to your congressman ( . If you send one email to congress, it will ostensibly count as 13,000 emails. The U.S. Congress believes that for each person who takes the time to write or email them there are another 13,000 others who share similar views but do not take the time to promulgate them. Those living in other countries need to contact their representatives in order to have your voice heard. It is very important that swift and vociferous action be taken now. Times are changing very rapidly and unless we all come together on this issue we may all have to start thinking about growing our own food in the near future to avoid extermination.
Codex Contacts to Take Action
Dr. F. Edward Scarbrough U.S. Manager for Codex U.S. Department of Agriculture 4861-South Building Washington, DC 20250 Phone: (202) 205-7760 Fax: (202) 720-3157
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Biginning of BOOK OF JOHN II, Order of the Universe IV
I left earth for Land fall of 2018, a couple months after Sig left. Linda was with me, as was Junior. I was happy to leave Earth, having seen what I saw, like the killings at the Georgia Guide Stones, the loose of my wife and two kids at the Washington DC nuking, September 11 2016.
I'm happy to release the memory of killing my boss t the FEMA camp near Barstow , and the fire I lit during my escape burned out of control, hurting Linda like no one should suffer.
I'm sorry about that, and all the homes that burned on the mountain top, and down into the populated valleys on the other side. The sequester of 2015 all but disbanded the firefighting Hot Shots and airplanes used to fight wildfires. Their excuse was no money and no more deaths like those poor nineteen men who died in Arizona fighting a small out of control fire at Granite Mountain, the fire I started so big, there was no way to fight it.
Seeing my brother after all those months in at train wreck was a treat, probably the most incredibly coincidence I have ever experienced, and being so proud of him going from a Heating and Air Contractor from Falls Church, Virginia to the Director of a extremely popular TV show, the underground 'The New Reality', of which I only saw three shows. I heard there was a total of twenty two Installments before they suddenly stopped in spring, 2018. He was the Number One Most Wanted. His future looked dim. Wish he was with me now.
I heard about my brother’s show terminating from the arrivals to Smitty's commune out there in the New Mexico High Desert . I certainly worried about my brothers health at that point, but seeing Sig's and Jessica's ascension, disappearing along with the two Grey's, the dog like creature, and that man named Bill Thomas I later saw again in the pyramid on Land, I realized we were in for a bigger purpose.
I had heard about the Tornado Swarm that destroyed massive swaths of the San Fernando Valley , turns out one day before the guy I saw in the pyramid was taken from Earth as the first of the Incarnates of the next spirited life cycle, if you believe all that.
Some of the last arrivals at Smitty's commune before they relocated to Belize told us of the live broadcast of the first ascension, during Bill Thomas's Sacrilege Trial. I had been away for a while, in the radio station survival commune, Needles, the Methodist Church in Taos , Smitty's commune, so it was hard to believe this New World Order was starting to try people for their beliefs. Rounding them up, brainwashing age appropriate for induction into the New National Guard and New World Military, and disposing of the rest.
I assume they had probable sent Profit Killers to take care of this Bill character before the trial, and I also assume Bill had help from above, like help came to my aid taking down those drones trying to kill use in New Mexico, immediately before Linda's and my ascension.
Anyway, after the Tornado Swarm is when my brothers broadcasts via Digital Short Wave ended, I heard soon after there was a little war in Topanga Canyon that basically didn't turn out to well for the Underground.
Soon after my ascension, it didn't look good for the battle for earth. Earthquakes, Drought, water level rise, floods, wildfires burning the dry brush. With the Arctic ice melted and water temps rising, the methane gas release from the ocean bottom, sealed in by frozen water for centuries changed global warming for good.
Strange days on earth, and the Seven men who called themselves the Absolute had come forward telling the world what their plans were or the remaining earthen survivors.
They had come forward in the weeks before Bill Thomas's Sacrilege Trial, a day before the trial they broadcast from ABOLUTE Headquarters in Brasilia
Like I said before I only heard of all this word of mouth.
Things were quiet in the commune till we left and woke up on that rolling hilly grass covered valley and walked to the little village. Can't even call it a village since there was only three men and three women and one sub teen girl staying there.
Sig impressed me, even more than he did in New Mexico . Since he was the first one to arrive, he and Jessica, he had gone to work creating natural domiciles. He expected more to arrive almost daily, saying something about he expected one hundred forty four people to be transferred from earth before the Apocalypse expected on earth. Didn't know at that time when that was to be, but I expected soon.
My first day there he took me to the pyramid where Bill Thomas showed up, and vanished, first saying something like "An Ambassadors job is never done". He said something else about visiting the Acruturian Star System, whatever and wherever that is. I realized what ever he meant was above my pay grade.
Back to Sig, we had talked about what had to be written, for all future civilizations that resided on Land, describing how earth caved. How we overpopulated and created thought patterns like religions that pitted one group against another, borders that stopped the free flow of thoughts and inventions designed to made life easier for all equally. I did as I was told, Sig supplied me with paper he kept bringing out of the pyramid as I needed it to write my last book which I titled BOOK OF JOHN. It took 2 months to write.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
The Big Freeze
As the new artic circle slowly moves to eventually be centered over Northern Iceland, Russia will freeze over, leaving it uninhabital. Most of the surviving population will head south, through Eurpoe and into the Middle East. The Muslim religion will not stand up to that kind of mass displacement, but then niether will the food supply. Many will traverse the arid soil of the Gobi desert to relocate in Mid Africa.
Meanwhile, there will be a major relocation to China, which will become more fertile. In America, the depopulation will take care of most of the population, whipping out the lower middle class, already whiped out by Government sequesters and shrinking government expenditures.
I've started writing two more books, BOOK OF JOHN II and BOOK OF RACHEL II. Rachel has left earth in the first BOOK, and is trained by Universal Beings how to run an world after an apocalypes, weither man made or Godhead sancioned.
All three books, BOOK OF SIG, BOOK OF JOHN, and BOOK OF RACHEL are already available at amazon.
Meanwhile, there will be a major relocation to China, which will become more fertile. In America, the depopulation will take care of most of the population, whipping out the lower middle class, already whiped out by Government sequesters and shrinking government expenditures.
I've started writing two more books, BOOK OF JOHN II and BOOK OF RACHEL II. Rachel has left earth in the first BOOK, and is trained by Universal Beings how to run an world after an apocalypes, weither man made or Godhead sancioned.
All three books, BOOK OF SIG, BOOK OF JOHN, and BOOK OF RACHEL are already available at amazon.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Order of the Universe, I, II, and III
From: | Gary Braithwaite ( |
Sent: | Fri 7/12/13 1:42 PM |
To: | Gary ( |
Gary Braithwaite • I have just started an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign to help get my books, BOOK OF SIG, Order of the Universe I, BOOK OF JOHN, Order of the Universe II, and BOOK OF RACHEL, Order of the Universe III, get published and go viral. Book I, Sig tells of what happens to him between 2013 and 2020, and what he has been told by others. He explains how Bill Thomas set up communes across America to train people how to prep and survive in the wilds as the NWO takes over and depopulation begins. On of the communes is run by Smitty, a big bearded man who seems to know a lot about survival and positive spirit. Sig tells of Triscar on planet Triskel who is a watcher of all worlds in his sector for the will of Godhead, reporting to the Supreme Being when ever an incident can whip out a planets species before they have become spiritually whole and can become on with Godhead in the center of the Universe, such as is happeniong on Earth where negative dominance of the planet is superceded by the planet moving off its axis and destroyed by weather and melting icecaps. Then in the first of it's kind a Blasphomy trial is held in Los Angeles where it becomes obvious Bill Thomas is the next incarnation of the positive spirit, and his departure from Earth becomes the second coming. He is taken to the Realm of Godhead where he witnesses the embodyment of Jesus melting into the mass of positive spirit that is Godhead, allowing Godhead to expand even more into the Void, or negative space controlled by the Dark, or Devil if you will. Meantime, Sig lives at the commune until he and his old lady Jessica are transported to a new Earth they name Land. They are the first 2 transported and eventually he enters a small pyramid and writes what he has experienced, knowing that many gewnerations later his writing will be discovered and become a sort of Bible for Lands new society. On September 11, 2026 John witnesses the nuking of Washington DC where his wife and 2 yoioung children and and with his brother Jim escape the area before the Military shuts down the Highways in an attemp to control the evacuation and rushes to Barstow where he gets a job constructing Camp FEMA Barstow, where the High Speed Rail link from Los Angeles to Los Vegas is. Two things happen to him and his brother on the trip, one being they stop at the Georgia Guide Stones where cut into the huge marble faces of the monument is a disctiption of how mankind should live after the next coming Apocalypes that is happening now, as Godheads will imposes in order to limit the overpopulation of earth before it becomes the Devils playground with the population believing in religions and bigetry, in an attempt to slow the positive spirit and the slowdown of the positive spread of the Universe into the Darks Realm, something that has been happening since The Big Bang. At the Guide Stones they witness a mass exicution of all that gathered there hoping to learn what to do next after hearing over the Internet just before it is shut down moments before the nuclear annialation of the worlds governments, After their escape from Georgia John meets Smitty who askes him to joimn the commune but they continue on to Barstow first. Jim, Johns brother leaves Barstow and heads to Hollywood where after an earthquakes devistates sections of downtown he enters The Viper Room where he tells a producer and cameraman what he witness in Georgia, so they decide to film him telling his story. John finds out about his brothers sudden shot to fame when he is about to be taken into custidy for processing. Not knowing what that means he escapes,and after a couple months heads back to Taos where he meets up with Smitty and joins the commune, where he witnesses Sigs ascention to Land. Then there Rachel's story, which is even cooler, but I just ran out of space. Book I, Sig tells of what happens to him between 2013 and 2020, and what he has been told by others. He explains how Bill Thomas set up communes across America to train people how to prep and survive in the wilds as the NWO takes over and depopulation begins. On of the communes is run by Smitty, a big bearded man who seems to know a lot about survival and positive spirit. Sig tells of Triscar on planet Triskel who is a watcher of all worlds in his sector for the will of Godhead, reporting to the Supreme Being when ever an incident can whip out a planets species before they have become spiritually whole and can become on with Godhead in the center of the Universe, such as is happeniong on Earth where negative dominance of the planet is superceded by the planet moving off its axis and destroyed by weather and melting icecaps. Then in the first of it's kind a Blasphomy trial is held in Los Angeles where it becomes obvious Bill Thomas is the next incarnation of the positive spirit, and his departure from Earth becomes the second coming. He is taken to the Realm of Godhead where he witnesses the embodyment of Jesus melting into the mass of positive spirit that is Godhead, allowing Godhead to expand even more into the Void, or negative space controlled by the Dark, or Devil if you will. Meantime, Sig lives at the commune until he and his old lady Jessica are transported to a new Earth they name Land. They are the first 2 transported and eventually he enters a small pyramid and writes what he has experienced, knowing that many gewnerations later his writing will be discovered and become a sort of Bible for Lands new society. On September 11, 2026 John witnesses the nuking of Washington DC where his wife and 2 yoioung children and and with his brother Jim escape the area before the Military shuts down the Highways in an attemp to control the evacuation and rushes to Barstow where he gets a job constructing Camp FEMA Barstow, where the High Speed Rail link from Los Angeles to Los Vegas is. Two things happen to him and his brother on the trip, one being they stop at the Georgia Guide Stones where cut into the huge marble faces of the monument is a disctiption of how mankind should live after the next coming Apocalypes that is happening now, as Godheads will imposes in order to limit the overpopulation of earth before it becomes the Devils playground with the population believing in religions and bigetry, in an attempt to slow the positive spirit and the slowdown of the positive spread of the Universe into the Darks Realm, something that has been happening since The Big Bang. At the Guide Stones they witness a mass exicution of all that gathered there hoping to learn what to do next after hearing over the Internet just before it is shut down moments before the nuclear annialation of the worlds governments, After their escape from Georgia John meets Smitty who askes him to joimn the commune but they continue on to Barstow first. Jim, Johns brother leaves Barstow and heads to Hollywood where after an earthquakes devistates sections of downtown he enters The Viper Room where he tells a producer and cameraman what he witness in Georgia, so they decide to film him telling his story. John finds out about his brothers sudden shot to fame when he is about to be taken into custidy for processing. Not knowing what that means he escapes,and after a couple months heads back to Taos where he meets up with Smitty and joins the commune, where he witnesses Sigs ascention to Land. Then there Rachel's story, which is even cooler, but I just ran out of space.
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