"Jim, you guys can move in before the Vegas train is due. Take the Bushmaster, park it where it will do the most damage.
"You three take the ITT's before Dawn to Camp Barstow and hide a mile away. After the Bushmaster explodes, rush in and try to see exactly what is happening in the barracks. How is this brainwashing being done. Maybe if it's some sort of machine, it can be destroyed.
"How are we getting out?" Jerry asked.
"Maybe steel another vehicle. Just don't get noticed. We need your next installment," Sam said.
"Damn right you need it. Whoever is in Charge needs to be stopped, and as of now, your dream child 'The New Reality' show is he only truth coming out about what is happening."
"What's happening." a skeptical woman asked. "The news says everything is all right."
"The news is controlled by the Bigs, the ones who have been lying to you for years. Weapons of mass destruction, Obama is a Muslim, he wants to throw away 2nd Amendment.The neo-cons want to continue any war they can find. Obama switched to all drone army, which pissed off the men who made millions by having a large defence budget. Now they lie that things are OK, when they know American's and I suspect millions are suffering around the world. If they are starved to death, it saves the Neo-cons money.The next election was going to happen next month, but with Obama, Biden, even Hillary missing, and the Republicans candidate, that Ryan guy, who wants to stoop Social Security, Medicare and food stamps, was at Romney's house in the Bahamas. He should have been at the memorial in DC like everyone else. Looks suspicious, doesn't it."
"Suspicious, it's down right criminal." I added. "When the last VP before Obama makes millions on a war he orchestrated, and continues to spout rhetoric that we need hunders of thousands of soldiers in the Middle East, even when the governments there don't want us. Criminal.
BOOK OF SIG was originally written by Sig in 2022, after the ascension, or recolonization as it was called.
BOOK OF SIG, formally The Divine Plan, Order of the Universe. This 42,500 word novel was written in 33 hours, at 1,288 words per hour, 21.5 words per minute. Could be a Guinness Record.