Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Does anyone have knowledge of future channeling?

Last year I sat at my desk, or in the front seat of my van, or wherever I could grab some piece and quiet, and I sat in front of my laptop. That was January, 2013. By March, 2014, I published my fourth book in one year, 3 months. If you want to know what the future will be like, as told by people who have recently experienced it, and if you want to know the importance of religions and politics, then read the entire ORDER OF THE UNIVERSE I, II, III, IV AND V series. Hey, I'm looking for believers that earth and life here is going to radically change. Join up. $ books, in 15 months, coming to 442,000 words, and 1150 pages of trimmed novels. That's what happens then you receive entire story in your subconscious.

New Direction

Hold on everyone. I'm GOING THROUGH ALL THE UNLOADABLE STUFF ON PREVIOUS POSTS. MY BOOKS ARRE SELLING AROUND THE WORLD. A little more about that. Next post will be about channeling the future, and reaching ones own destiny. Stay tuned my friends.