Saturday, December 8, 2012

BOOK OF SIG Page 104

     Bad news everyone. BOOK OF JOHN is probably defunct. The computer decided to delete all 110 pages of BOOK OF JOHN. 3 months of work, complex issues of today and tomorrow interwoven like a seamless carpet.
     In case I write it again, knowing full well the computer can ruin me at a seconds notice. I had 109 pages, then I had one. Gone. The best future story ever told.

     Here is a page from BOOK OF SIG
Page 104

     "We cannot afford to waste any more time thinking of freak storms and earthquakes. Reorganize the whole world is our only belief"
     A younger reporter stepped forward. "Why did you decide to reorganize the whole world? Wasn't what we had good enough?"
     Turgay answered quickly, "No, it was not good enough. We, the largest financiers always controlled business and growth here on our great planet, but local governments were becoming more trivial, fighting wars for now reason. Look at the USA for example. The politicians lied to and held sway over common man, tricking them into attacking Iraqi and Afghanistan. We controlled the planes on 9/11. Your idiot president Cheney and Rumsfeld came up with 'Shack and Awe'. Your leaders destroyed Iraqi, then spent your children's inheritance to rebuild. Originally we place Saddam Hussein as leader because his ruefulness was the only way to keep those backward people in order. When civil disobedience took down Egypt, Somalia, Syria, Tunisia, Malta, Nicaraguan and Russian Governments, the civil war in Iraqi and Afghanistan after the occupying American forces prematurely left. The the World Occupy Riots leading to the Occupy Wars.
     "Well, we could no  longer fuck with our bottom line. We are here now because you people did it to yourself. We are here because you need controlling like Iraqi needed Saddam Hussein."
     A third reporter stepped forward. "It sounds like you want us to submit to you. Give up our freedoms and history and believe only in you."
     "That word believe. I don't think its the right word your looking for."
     "Oh, it's the right word all right. Some are afraid of you, calling you the anti Christ."

BOOK OF SIG was originally written by Sig in 2022, after the ascension, or recolonization as it was called.
BOOK OF SIG, formally The Divine Plan, Order of the Universe.    This 42,500 word novel was written in 33 hours, at 1,288 words per hour, 21.5 words per minute. Could be a Guinness Record.

Product DetailsBook of Sig: Order of the Universe by Gary Braithwaite (Jul 6, 2012)

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