Thursday, October 10, 2013

World comes to an end

CLIMIT CHANGE, WHAT IS TRUE CAUSE. LAST YEAR THE QUADSET SATELLITES were launched for one secret purpuse, to find out if the gravitational pull of our sloar sysstem could, in fact, make changes to our our climit. The answer is yes, now they know. Since they reached their orbit and went to work, earth has shifted on it's axis 2 dgrees, and it is still moving. That is why there will be no ice at the North Pole by next year. Weather, like heavy rains (Colorado) will flood fields and snow will fal;l in the New York area 6 months of the year. All is discribed in BOOK OF SIG, Book of Sig: Order of the Universe Paperback In the year 2020, Sig writes about how the Apocalypes occured on earth, starting with the drastic weather changes and why they happened, how the World Police State was implimented and depopulation was nearly fully realized, to how the human spirit survived, allowing Godhead to gain more power for the Universe Book of John, Order of the Universe II (THE DIVINE PLAN, Order of the Universe) (Volume 2) Paperback JOHN WRITES THIS FIRST HAND ACCOUNT OF HIS TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS AS HE SURVIVES ON EARTH BETWEEN 2014 AND 2018, THIS INCLUDES THE END OF OCCUPY WARS, WASHINGTON DESTROYED BY NUCLEAR BOMB, SURVIVING THE KILLING FIELDS IN GEORGIA, HIS CARPENTRY WORK AT CAMP FEMA BARSTOW, HIS EXPERIENCES ON THE WAY TO TAOS, NEW MEXICO, HIS LIFE AT SMITTY'S COMMUNE, AND THE GREY'S VISITING HIM, AND HIS TRANSFER TO HEAVEN Book of Rachel: Order of the Universe III (The Divine Plan, Order of the Universe) (Volume 3) Paperback – May 26, 2013 Life of Rachel in 2016. After her fathers death in 2016 just as she turns 18, she travels down to Los Angeles to try modeling, but finds everything has changed since the GOP and Ideologues had restricted all entitlments, causing the New Depression, giving their masters, the families of the Illuminati to create a NWO, finally beginning the implentation of depopulation world wide. She arrives and is quickly abducted and conscribed into the New National Guard, who have been given the task of processing humans. She escapes and joins a movement to disrupt what the evil empire has implimented. She joins a film crew filming a Reality Show so the world can understand what the NWO in doing. She becomes the beautiful face of the movement and is declared Public Enemy number 2.

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