Monday, October 29, 2012


BOOK OF SIG [Kindle Edition]
Gary Braithwaite

My mind is deeply involved in writing the companion book to BOOK OF SIG. BOOK OF JOHN tells John's story as the ordered universe we are soo used to begins to crack. 

John, who was living outside DC when it is destroyed by a nuclear bomb, travels South to Georgia, since someone he knows said it would be a gathering place when the craziness starts. Most people evacuated from some 50 miles outside ground zero were all traveling West until they ran out of gas or electricity, since the 2015 government mandate that we all be driving electric by 2020.

His wife and daughter, killed in the atomic blast, at first blamed on terrorists, were at the Memorial over the assassination on the Capital steps, September 11, 2016, which was 2 years before the explosion.

His destination in Georgia is The American Stonehedge, were in many languages is written the bylaws of how to live life after the Apocalypse.


AMAZON   5.0 out of 5 stars timely,fast paced and relevant             
This book will leave you thinking about your own religious ideals, and how you apply them to your life. Its a futuristic tale of greed, corruption and conspiracy that is relevant to today's society.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

BOOK OF SIG and ellitest NEOCANS.

BOOK OF SIG [Kindle Edition]
Gary Braithwaite

The year is 2018, the 1% heads who control our lives take the supreme effort to eliminate over $6.5 Billion people.
This is one lead in into the Story BOOK OF SIG, an interesting look into our near future, if the Neocans have their way.
Easier then believed. Think about this. The purpose of Al-Qaida is Anti American. With Osama's help, the Neocans flew the plans into the towers, Allowing the stupidest of the power elite, George Bush, to attack the Middle3 East, literally bankrupting our economy, due to the massive amount of money spent on that crazy war.
We can call it crazy now that we are 11 years into the biggest military blunder ever undertaken. However, when we called it crazy 10 years ago, we were marked as anti American by all the elite and power brokers, when we cold see what was happening was wrong.
The neocans have not gone away. There are now fully behind Romney and thanks to the sheeple who believe what the Republican superpac tv ads are telling us, we could again take great strides backward, so Romney can bankrupt us, profiteering from our countries lose. So, with Romney running our country bankrupt, like Osama Bin Ladin and company planed, we are just playing into their hands.
I'm not. I'm voting for Obama.
Even with Obama as President, we are not secure.
I am about to write extensivly about the Georgia Guidestones, also know as American Stonehedge.
My second book, BOOK OF JOHN, tells the same story as BOOK OF SIG, from a different perspective.

My first book on this subject, BOOKOF SIG, within the first month of publication already had 4 5 star reviews. Here are three of the reviews.

5.0 out of 5 stars timely,fast paced and relevant             
This book will leave you thinking about your own religious ideals, and how you apply them to your life. Its a futuristic tale of greed, corruption and conspiracy that is relevant to today's society.

5.0 out of 5 stars Wonderful!
GS (Tustin, California) - See all my reviews
A very creative view into the future that everyone would enjoy. This novel would please anyone who loves stories with biblical references. Highly recommended!
5.0 out of 5 stars DRONES WOULD ARRIVE
"This story starts with the beginning of Earth's End." It all came down during Obama's second term. The earth's axis, usually at 23 degrees, had shifted 7 degrees in two years. No one knew why. Every degree changed something. This led to massive earthquakes, tornado storms, solar flares, tsunamis, and two year blizzards in tropical climates.

This is how the author starts an imaginary scenario about the last days. This is a fast moving, imaginative tale by a captivating story teller. The dialog is fast paced and realistic.

He follows a number of groups in this story. There were the Seven, the most powerful men on earth. Greed was their creed and they wanted world power. Other groups were the college professors who tried to warn the people. Then there were the communalists trying to survive in the wilderness of New Mexico. Finally there is Triscar, the Emperor of the Triscellion People who had the foot of a bipedal dog.

The story revolves around the Divine Plan that showed us that we are not alone and that we have a bigger purpose. But first there had to be the downfall. The Seven took down the national governments in a one day war in the fall of 2016. Because of war and natural disasters life was bleak. There were millions of worldwide refugees.

This book is a spiritual look at the function of the Divine Plan. This includes the Rapture and Apocalypse. After reading this book, you might believe it is about to happen."

So it came to be by 2016 the 1% who controlled Congress had perty much shut down most small manufacturing, shipping more jobs to China, to stop their economy from collapsing, since this is were their money is. The fiscal cliff lead us to another Depression. Guess who would have said that it wouldn't have happened had their candidate been elected.

So writes Sig as he remembers the past, trying to help the next human spiritual life cycle turn from life sucking greed, and total lack of concern for his fellow man, help others find jobs instead of closing manufacturing, sending jobs away.

Next year soo many jobs willl be lost, graduates not getting hired, The Occupy Movement will become more vocal, some riots, leading to martial law.

Friday, October 26, 2012


BOOK OF SIG [Kindle Edition]
Gary Braithwaite

So it came to be by 2016 the 1% who controlled Congress had perty much shut down most small manufacturing, shipping more jobs to China, to stop their economy from collapsing, since this is were their money is. The fiscal cliff lead us to another Depression. Guess who would have said that it wouldn't have happened had their candidate been elected.

So writes Sig as he remembers the past, trying to help the next human spiritual life cycle turn from life sucking greed, and total lack of concern for his fellow man, help others find jobs instead of closing manufacturing, sending jobs away.

Next year soo many jobs willl be lost, graduates not getting hired, The Occupy Movement will become more vocal, some riots, leading to martial law.  

Monday, October 22, 2012


BOOK OF SIG [Kindle Edition]
Gary Braithwaite
It seems that Sig's involvement in THE DIVINE PLAN didn't stop with the recolonization. Now he had to wri

It seems that Sig's involvement in THE DIVINE PLAN didn't stop with the recolonization. Now he had to write, before he forgot, what he remembered about the last days on earth.
His teacher, the spititual headmaster of mankinds next positive growth cycle, is in the eternal fight against the evil forces, the darkness, The Devil.
He hopes that generations later, when they find his writing, they will steer away from the dark path.
It seems that Sig's involvement in THE DIVINE PLAN didn't stop with the recolonization. Now he had to write, before he forgot, what he remembered about the last days on earth.
te, bef
It seems that Sig's involvement in THE DIVINE PLAN didn't stop with the recolonization. Now he had to write, before he forgot, what he remembered about the last days on earth.
His teacher, the spititual headmaster of mankinds next positive growth cycle, is in the eternal fight against the evil forces, the darkness, The Devil.
He hopes that generations later, when they find his writing, they will steer away from the dark path.
ore he forgot, what he remembered about the last days on earth.
His teacher, the spititual headmaster of mankinds next positive growth cycle, is in the eternal fight against the evil forces, the darkness, The Devil.
He hopes that generations later, when they find his writing, they will steer away from the dark path.


BOOK OF SIG [Kindle Edition]
Gary Braithwaite

The Illuminati, the most powerful and influential humans on planet, ancestors of a lifetime of controlling fate since mankind dug his way out of The Great Flood.

'THE DIVINE PLAN', written by me in 1979, and describing what happens on earth between 2012 and 2020, is going viral. The Kindle edition of The Divine Plan sells on Kindle for $2:99, Kindle Book of Sig is $4:99. Printed copies of both available for $16:00.

Professor Bill Thomas, who wrote "The Divine Plan" in 2012, is arrested for sacrilege after he gave a lecture at UCLA that explained what we are experiencing. Harsh weather extremes, earthquakes, drought condition fires, mass starvation. H explained it all, and what the correlation is between all we are experiencing and why the government doesn't want us to know, because knowing the truth will cause panic.

They know we will panic when we realize the truth, and they are set for it. 800,000 coffins in Georgia 3 bodies per coffin. FEMA CAMPS being built.
Depopulation is set to begin.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


BOOK OF SIG [Kindle Edition]

 Between 2012 and 2018 will be so many changes, I hope you all can keep up.

Sig is given the book, "THE DIVINE PLAN", which was written in 2012 by a man refered to as 'The Grandfather of the Occupy Movement' a few years later on LAND. The Book details how the weather in working against man, and The NWO, in charge of the world military, opening FEMA CAMPS to house those arrested in the 2013 Occupy Riots. the biggining of YOUTHANISIA

An earthquake and tatal wave off Hawaii in late 2014 kills half million, the Oregon Coast takes another hit.

Sig, having left Southern California while it was still possible, in 2015, is taken to survival commune near Taos, New Mexico.

So in December of last year I began to rewrite 'The Divine Plan', updating the time line, and adding things like drones. No drones in 1979 when I wrote this. No computers either. Home computers anyway.

First publishing was in late January, through Editing wasn't done yet, it took a while to get it toned in. Many have read it, I recieved 4 5 ***** on AMAZON reviews, and all wanted to know more, so another book is in the works, someone else who witnessed the mayham of 2017 and 2018, and survived on LAND.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


BOOK OF SIG [Kindle Edition]

Earthquakes, Dust Bowl Conditions in the Heartland. Global Warming. Tornado Storms. Title Waves. NWO takeover of earth, depopulation. The survival of the human race.
These are just a few of the topics described in my book, 'Book of Sig'. Popular topics now. I wrote 'The Divine Plan' 33 years ago, listening to the dream weaver that told me this story. The world needs to know.  
So by late 80' I had made a couple copies, also as expensive then as now, sending one off the Pinnicle Publishing, and one I mailed to myself Registered Mail, since this is how ownership was proven then. Pinnicle sent a rejection letter, but what they said proved that they had read it and liked it. They said something about me being careful describing the axis flop, since others had promoted that theory. Didn't matter. This is the story I was put on earth to write.
Over the years since I have done many things, like writting screenplays, 3 of which are in development right now. Plus I learned to draw just to create a Graphic Novel, called 'Baymen of Belize'. BAYMEN OF BELIZE 12 . Here is youtube link to 1 of 115 Webisodes. Google it.
This brings me to current time, like last December, when I opened the Registered Mail envelope and read what I had written 33 years ago, in 1979. Reading and realizing all that had already happened was there and what is about to happen is also there, I quickly realized 'The Divine Plan' had to be told, before it was to late.
Here is the premise to 'BOOK OF SIG'
In 2022, Sig writes about what happens on Earth between 2012 and 2018, when he left. The reason for the weather, the takeover by the NWO, since they lost the American controlling Big Business Party in the 2012 election. That's right, Romney loses, hot off the phycic presses. Trust me friends. Evil is out there and it wants everything you have.

Monday, October 15, 2012



BOOK OF SIG [Kindle Edition]

Here was this concept, way approved by the few allowed to read it, of good and bad, of evil taking over Earth, in the near future. Won't get into politics here. THE DIVINE PLAN, Order of the Universe explains that.
After finishing THE DIVINE PLAN, Order of the Universe it took months of struggling, surviving in the drywall, saving enough for hand held recorder. Back then they were worth $120.00. Lots of money in those days where one sheet of drywall cut and nailed off paid almost $2.00. Gas was still undar a $Dollar. Went over one dollar in 81'.
It took litterally months to record the whole thing, some of that time spent living in Box Canyon, near Spaun Ranch.
A secreterial Service in Calabasas did half the transcribing, typing it into first Word Prossessor and transportable disk. THE DIVINE PLAN, Order of the Universe is on a 9 inch floppy, in case there are those that same I stole their idea. My 'IDEA' came to me direct from a spiritual bases.
I know no one wants to think about END OF DAYS. Once you read THE DIVINE PLAN, Order of the Universe, now titled BOOK OF SIG, Order of the Universe, you will believe in the diominable spirt of the human race. I'll explain the name change when we get to present time.
Drought in the heartland. Tornado Storms, Earthquakes, Tital Waves. Dust Bowls. What is happening?

Sunday, October 14, 2012


 For a year after writing the 33 page treatment of THE DIVINE PLAN, I continued as a carpenter(drywall) but with this huge story hanging and developing in my head. I broke into the fringes of the movie Industry, knowing THE DIVINE PLAN should be made into a movie. About this time was the first movie I was in. Rocky III, followed quickly with Beastmaster and a few others, soon joining AFTRA, with one appearance on a Soap Opera under my belt. Boy I love the Movie Industry. Right now I have 3 scripts in development.

Enough about me. I'm trying to describe how I created on paper the Divine Spirits Message given to me between 1975 and 1980.

I knew I was probably creating not another religion, but a more straightforward belief in GODHEAD.  By about 3 PM the following day, Sunday, I completed my work. In 33 hours, in 1979, I wrote the entire story called THE DIVINE PLAN, the story of today and The End of Days.  It was titled what the spirits told me to title it.   THE DIVINE PLAN, ORDER OF THE UNIVERSE. And that is what it is, The Divine Order of the Universe in story form, designed to help us live during the times almost on us. Read and understand The Divine Plan.

Next blog will be about events in the early 80's.

BOOK OF SIG [Kindle Edition]

Friday, October 12, 2012


So there I was, 1977, hanging out again in The Valley, playing a little experimental jazz. The story, 'THE DIVINE PLAN', stayed in my head. an obseccion  I knew had to be written. So, over the course of the next couple months, when I was 26, I completed the 33 page stort story, 'THE DIVINE PLAN'. I don't remember how it gor from hand to type. It wasn't me. An the time, certain people offered the help since they could see how strong my odseccion was. At the time, I only let a few read 'THE DIVINE PLAN'. encluding my girlfriend at the time, Debbie. Turns out, she had some connections to film production and she saw a hit when she read it. I asked how she liked it. Her coment "Tits". I never heard a woman say tits before. What a thrill. I told her I wasn't ready yet,the story not yet fully developed by myself as I was seening it in my dreams and when I was awake. BOOK OF SIGKindle Edition

Gary Braithwaite

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Yesterday was my first time blogging, and had some 15 reads.  

Check out my 3 5 star reviews I've recieved already, at Amazon, The Divine Plan, Order of the Universe.

BOOK OF SIG [Kindle Edition]

Gary Braithwaite

Professor Bill Thomas, having become known as the Grandfather of the Occupy Movement, quits after the Occupy Riots start late Spring, 2013.
Obama wins election, not allowing the 1% who support their candidate with msleading ads designed to confuse those whos lives have not yet been bettered by the Obama Administration, and are therefore easily tricked into voting for the other guy.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

First Premise

It seems that Sig's involvement in THE DIVINE PLAN didn't stop with the recolonization. Now he had to write, before he forgot, what he remembered about the last days on earth.
His teacher, the spititual headmaster of mankinds next positive growth cycle, is in the eternal fight against the evil forces, the darkness, The Devil.
He hopes that generations later, when they find his writing, they will steered away from the dark path.

Divine Hand

In 1979, I wrote a book called 'The Divine Plan'. It was written in 34 hours. Something controlled my hand as I wrote, having not written anything before. A Divine presence, an angel, something outside my realm of thinking caused me to write this story about Earth's near future. That Divine Presence told me to title my book, 'The Divine Plan'.
Being hand written a the beginning of the Word Processors, I bought a hand held recording device and had a secretarial company in Calabasas, type my story. It is on a 9"floppy.
One copy of 'The Divine Plan' went to Pinnacle Publishing which sent back a positive sounding rejection notice. They liked the story.
Another copy I sent to myself Register mail, that was how ownership was proved back then.
Finally, this last December,  I opened envelope and read my book. Some of the professies written in the book had already come to pass, and the others were soon to follow. I realized God had intended the world to know and understand The Divine Plan, as told to me spiritually all those years ago.
So I updated it, typed it to computer, renamed it 'Book of Sig' because there are already lots of books titled 'The Divine Plan'. Too much confusion.

So, if you want to know what is about to happen here on earth between 2012 and 2018, read my book available with link below.

BOOK OF SIG [Kindle Edition]