Saturday, October 20, 2012


BOOK OF SIG [Kindle Edition]

Earthquakes, Dust Bowl Conditions in the Heartland. Global Warming. Tornado Storms. Title Waves. NWO takeover of earth, depopulation. The survival of the human race.
These are just a few of the topics described in my book, 'Book of Sig'. Popular topics now. I wrote 'The Divine Plan' 33 years ago, listening to the dream weaver that told me this story. The world needs to know.  
So by late 80' I had made a couple copies, also as expensive then as now, sending one off the Pinnicle Publishing, and one I mailed to myself Registered Mail, since this is how ownership was proven then. Pinnicle sent a rejection letter, but what they said proved that they had read it and liked it. They said something about me being careful describing the axis flop, since others had promoted that theory. Didn't matter. This is the story I was put on earth to write.
Over the years since I have done many things, like writting screenplays, 3 of which are in development right now. Plus I learned to draw just to create a Graphic Novel, called 'Baymen of Belize'. BAYMEN OF BELIZE 12 . Here is youtube link to 1 of 115 Webisodes. Google it.
This brings me to current time, like last December, when I opened the Registered Mail envelope and read what I had written 33 years ago, in 1979. Reading and realizing all that had already happened was there and what is about to happen is also there, I quickly realized 'The Divine Plan' had to be told, before it was to late.
Here is the premise to 'BOOK OF SIG'
In 2022, Sig writes about what happens on Earth between 2012 and 2018, when he left. The reason for the weather, the takeover by the NWO, since they lost the American controlling Big Business Party in the 2012 election. That's right, Romney loses, hot off the phycic presses. Trust me friends. Evil is out there and it wants everything you have.

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