I dated a Sandy once. She was a storm in her own right.
You ever notice how the more romney lies, the more he blames Obama for lieing. I can't think of one instance where Obama lied. Yet every thing time romney opens his mouth, it's either a lie or a coverup of a past lie. Everyone knows, he will say anything to get into office, although many things he has already said lies that can't be backed up.
Immigration - His plans are to make the job market so weak that Latino's will self deportat.
You like your Union Wages. Kiss them goodby. We will all be working for minimun wage soon, pensions gone, health a voucher system. You don't need insurance, he says, the hospuital will take care of you. Us men will be lucky to find a job and work for minimum wage, where as women will make even less.
You can believe this because he spent some time in China, and when he came back, he praised the Chinese for their model of profittering. He loved the fact that Chinese women, all young, all living together on site in bunk beds, working for dollars a day. That is his plan for us. Somehow, he will profit from our reboot, our start over. We have too much so he plans for all us to have nothing, and work from them. All his rich cronies, the neocons, the Cheney's, Kock's, and all the other rich who call themselves elite, want the same.
Really, why would the richest men in the country want to have our social security reduced, our health care non affortable. They own huge homes, one of them is building a 90 thousand sqaure foot home while closing factories and sending jobs to China. It's still happening, Bain still doing their profittering by causing suffering in their own country.
Remember when that fat fuck Russ Limbaugh was saying how no coincidence Bain name of evil conterpart in that movie? Must be conspiracy Here is the truth. The name Bain was created by romney because his intention was to create a company that was a bane on free enterprise, a bane for anyone who got in his way business wise. Turns out Bain Capital was and still is a bane on the american people. Another plant will shut down at end of year.
Here is my link to the book I wrote about the near future. This is what will happen if the neocons gain control. God help us.
BOOK OF SIG [Kindle Edition]
AMAZON 5.0 out of 5 stars timely,fast paced and relevant
AMAZON 5.0 out of 5 stars timely,fast paced and relevant
This review is from: The Divine Plan: The Order of the Universe (Paperback)
This book will leave you thinking about your own religious ideals, and how you apply them to your life. Its a futuristic tale of greed, corruption and conspiracy that is relevant to today's society.
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