Sunday, December 16, 2012

BOOK OF JOHN Beginning depopulation

From Memory:  BOOK OF JOHN Page 38 (BOOK OF JOHN lost. Government and NWO and Neo-Cons didn't want this story told).


     There were some who begged us from a half mile away to save them, but only my brother had the means to get to us, out of range of the drones for at least another couple runs.
     As we drove across the meadow following the orchard, we could see quite plainly now. We could see the Guide Stones, 20 feet of standing marble placed on the highest hill in Elbert County.
     Everyone on the other side of the monument, this side of the river now lay still. In death or unconscious we could not tell.
     Linda in the passenger seat of my black mini-van stayed silent as we raced across the meadow, Jim approaching at an angle in order to reach the van with perfect timing.
Behind us, the flatbeds continued towards us, turning on Highway 8. I could make out barely what was on the back of the tractor trailer flatbeds, half of them with military markings. The trucks were stacked with what looked like large black boxes, about 9 feet long, 4 feet high and 4 feet wide.
     Jim made it to us, so I slammed the brakes, Jim almost crashed into the back. The door was opened quickly by myself activating the solenoid, Jim threw his Trail Blazer in the back and jumped on the the bike, slamming the back door. We were off.
     Within a few moments, we had reached the small country road, turning due West, hoping the military hadn't closed it yet. By what I was seeing, and how the military were blocking all highway intersections virtually stopping traffic, smaller surface roads might be the only way to get through Texas to the gold fields of California.
     We raced away a couple more miles as the drones took their next pass, this side of the monument.
     By now everyone was panicked because they knew now what was happening. They were being gassed.
Annette had told us before, in that little restaurant in Roenoke off the Blue Ridge, about the 10 commandments engraved into all 6 sides of the marble, in 8 different languages.
     We parked in the orchard a couple miles away and got out, wondering what they were going to do next with all the bodies, alive or dead. Covered trucks arrived with the flatbeds, men jumping out, gas masks still in place. Another batch of modified tank forklifts also arrived, their car crushing almost complete.
     With great precision, the forklifts quickly unloaded and moved the boxes to the monument area, where everyone lay. The men approached, lifted the lids on the black boxes, and started to throw in the bodies. Men, women, children. It didn't seem to matter.
     The first Commandment engraved one the Monolith read - 1. Keep the balance of Earth by limiting the population to 500,000.
     I remember what the one legged older man in Roenoke said about Georgia. Some thing about the Killing Fields.
     The Elitists, the Illuminati, the families who controlled the Neo-Cons and really control everything, were embarking on depopulating our Earth. And it was starting right here in Georgia. Well, actually, it started with the nuclear explosions on D.C., New York, Moscow, and the others 3 days before. Millions killed.

BOOK OF SIG, formally The Divine Plan, Order of the Universe    This 42,500 word novel was written in 33 hours, at 1,288 words per hour, 21.5 words per minute. Could be a Guinness Record.

Product DetailsBook of Sig: Order of the Universe by Gary Braithwaite (Jul 6, 2012)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


      I have just given my old laptop to a computer store to try to retrieve BOOK OF JOHN, my latest book, 109 pages of a truly incredible story of survival and love taking place just after the next election.
      It disappeared from my computer. If I was on-line, I could blame it on the New World Order. They don't want this message getting out. Not the BOOK OF JOHN.     
      If they can't retrieve it, I will never be able to write this again, the story structure as I created. The dialogue. All the little twists. Over 250 hours I put into it. All gone.
      Did I feel the Divine hand as I had when I wrote The Divine Plan all those years ago? Did I feel this time that God wanted the world to know The DivinePlan so that is why I wrote?
God wants everyone to know what is about to happen.

The only remaining words of BOOK OF JOHN. Enjoy

                                                        Page 37 
*Warning to all my children. Don't go to the Georgia Guide Stones for salvation after our system collapse*

      Behind us, at the Guide Stones, the 20,000 people who made it before the Highway was closed had no idea the Military was steeling their car, emptying the contents.
      I could see men in Uniform pull a rifle out of a truck, then a couple pistols out of a car. Everything taken from the cars were placed in three piles. One pile was all weapons, one was cloths and one pile for food.  
     Almost all the cars left near Monument had been readied for Bug Out. This was it. Time to bug, and the Military was stealing all the saved provisions.
      I wondered is this was how they expected to feed so many people, by redistribution of the stolen food supply.
     Other trucks were heading West on the Highway, heading towards Highway 8 and our location. These trucks were flat beds, not all with Military markings.
     Being six miles from the main Highway and six miles from the Guide Stones, which sat on the tallest hill in Elbert County, we had a great view.
     Linda had borrowed the Binoculars, I looked at my watch. It was 1:59 in the afternoon, the third day since the nuclear explosions.
     Both of us heard a sound coming from the new military installation, ten miles from the Monument. It sounded like a bell blasting out of a large P.A. System.
     Linda still had the binocs. "Hey, what are they doing?"She handed the binocs to me."What are they doing?"
     I looked, focused, saw what looked like all the military personnel putting on gas masks.
     "Jesus Crist," I exclaimed, "What are they doing? Looks like they're putting on gas masks."
     The meaning of what I just said hit me hard. I jumped towards my van, rummaging around for a moment
     "What are you doing," Linda asked. not yet grasping the significant of what she had seen through the binoculars.
     "Prepping," I said, finding the little box that had five gas masks. One was mine, one was Wilma's, and my kids Roxy and Brien. Killed in the Washington, DC nuking, they were no longer needed. Another one had been special made for Dingbat.
     "Quick. Put this on and gt in the van." I slipped mine on easily, struggling with the dog for a moment.
     There was lots of noise by that time, as the cars continued to be immediately impounded by forklift, searched, then run over by tanks.
     But even with all the noise, I heard drones flying North to South about ten miles away from us.
     Since the Guide Stones was South East of where we were, the drones, six in formation, flew along the Eastern Boundary of Elbert County at the river.


BOOK OF JOHN   Available by January, 2013
Excerpt from 'BOOK OF JOHN'

          Drinking a Coke, Jim listened in. He knew he would join in soon. First he took a swig. It tasted different then it had in the past. He looked at the label, read Coke made in China. The transformation of all manufacturing leaving the U.S. was complete.
          "Sure we can feed everyone now, but what about in 20 years when our population increases another two billion people, most of them Latin.
          They were quiet for a moment. The Viper Room had been a Hollywood hangout. Now it was like the rest of the Los Angeles population. Sixty percent Hispanic.
          They were the only studio types there, the Producer and Cameraman having just left a script read with the principles at Gower Studios. The Distinguished Newsman was a regular.
          "Anyway, where are they going to hide all the bodies?"
          "In the desert," I joined in.
          They looked at Jim, then ignored him.
          "Look, no one can prove to me people are dying out there from anything beside starvation and exposure."
          "I've been to the 'Killing Fields'", Jim added.
          This time he got their attention, and a couple others in the room.
The Producer looked at Jim. "What do you mean."
          "In Georgia."
          The camera man said, "Georgia. isn't that where they say the answers can be found to all humanities problems."
          Our existence is the New World Order's problems. They have countered with mass death. I escaped the first round of killing in Elbert County. Near the American Stonehenge."


Product DetailsBook of Sig: Order of the Universe by Gary Braithwaite (Jul 6, 2012)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

BOOK OF SIG Page 104

     Bad news everyone. BOOK OF JOHN is probably defunct. The computer decided to delete all 110 pages of BOOK OF JOHN. 3 months of work, complex issues of today and tomorrow interwoven like a seamless carpet.
     In case I write it again, knowing full well the computer can ruin me at a seconds notice. I had 109 pages, then I had one. Gone. The best future story ever told.

     Here is a page from BOOK OF SIG
Page 104

     "We cannot afford to waste any more time thinking of freak storms and earthquakes. Reorganize the whole world is our only belief"
     A younger reporter stepped forward. "Why did you decide to reorganize the whole world? Wasn't what we had good enough?"
     Turgay answered quickly, "No, it was not good enough. We, the largest financiers always controlled business and growth here on our great planet, but local governments were becoming more trivial, fighting wars for now reason. Look at the USA for example. The politicians lied to and held sway over common man, tricking them into attacking Iraqi and Afghanistan. We controlled the planes on 9/11. Your idiot president Cheney and Rumsfeld came up with 'Shack and Awe'. Your leaders destroyed Iraqi, then spent your children's inheritance to rebuild. Originally we place Saddam Hussein as leader because his ruefulness was the only way to keep those backward people in order. When civil disobedience took down Egypt, Somalia, Syria, Tunisia, Malta, Nicaraguan and Russian Governments, the civil war in Iraqi and Afghanistan after the occupying American forces prematurely left. The the World Occupy Riots leading to the Occupy Wars.
     "Well, we could no  longer fuck with our bottom line. We are here now because you people did it to yourself. We are here because you need controlling like Iraqi needed Saddam Hussein."
     A third reporter stepped forward. "It sounds like you want us to submit to you. Give up our freedoms and history and believe only in you."
     "That word believe. I don't think its the right word your looking for."
     "Oh, it's the right word all right. Some are afraid of you, calling you the anti Christ."

BOOK OF SIG was originally written by Sig in 2022, after the ascension, or recolonization as it was called.
BOOK OF SIG, formally The Divine Plan, Order of the Universe.    This 42,500 word novel was written in 33 hours, at 1,288 words per hour, 21.5 words per minute. Could be a Guinness Record.

Product DetailsBook of Sig: Order of the Universe by Gary Braithwaite (Jul 6, 2012)