There were some who begged us from a half mile away to save them, but only my brother had the means to get to us, out of range of the drones for at least another couple runs.
As we drove across the meadow following the orchard, we could see quite plainly now. We could see the Guide Stones, 20 feet of standing marble placed on the highest hill in Elbert County.
Everyone on the other side of the monument, this side of the river now lay still. In death or unconscious we could not tell.
Linda in the passenger seat of my black mini-van stayed silent as we raced across the meadow, Jim approaching at an angle in order to reach the van with perfect timing.
Behind us, the flatbeds continued towards us, turning on Highway 8. I could make out barely what was on the back of the tractor trailer flatbeds, half of them with military markings. The trucks were stacked with what looked like large black boxes, about 9 feet long, 4 feet high and 4 feet wide.
Jim made it to us, so I slammed the brakes, Jim almost crashed into the back. The door was opened quickly by myself activating the solenoid, Jim threw his Trail Blazer in the back and jumped on the the bike, slamming the back door. We were off.
Within a few moments, we had reached the small country road, turning due West, hoping the military hadn't closed it yet. By what I was seeing, and how the military were blocking all highway intersections virtually stopping traffic, smaller surface roads might be the only way to get through Texas to the gold fields of California.
We raced away a couple more miles as the drones took their next pass, this side of the monument.
By now everyone was panicked because they knew now what was happening. They were being gassed.
Annette had told us before, in that little restaurant in Roenoke off the Blue Ridge, about the 10 commandments engraved into all 6 sides of the marble, in 8 different languages.
We parked in the orchard a couple miles away and got out, wondering what they were going to do next with all the bodies, alive or dead. Covered trucks arrived with the flatbeds, men jumping out, gas masks still in place. Another batch of modified tank forklifts also arrived, their car crushing almost complete.
With great precision, the forklifts quickly unloaded and moved the boxes to the monument area, where everyone lay. The men approached, lifted the lids on the black boxes, and started to throw in the bodies. Men, women, children. It didn't seem to matter.
The first Commandment engraved one the Monolith read - 1. Keep the balance of Earth by limiting the population to 500,000.
I remember what the one legged older man in Roenoke said about Georgia. Some thing about the Killing Fields.
The Elitists, the Illuminati, the families who controlled the Neo-Cons and really control everything, were embarking on depopulating our Earth. And it was starting right here in Georgia. Well, actually, it started with the nuclear explosions on D.C., New York, Moscow, and the others 3 days before. Millions killed.
BOOK OF SIG, formally The Divine Plan, Order of the Universe This 42,500 word novel was written in 33 hours, at 1,288 words per hour, 21.5 words per minute. Could be a Guinness Record.
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