Saturday, June 22, 2013

WORLD WAR Z a movie review

Just saw World War Z yesterday, had very little idea of what it was about. Thought is was like my Books, BOOK OF SIG, BOOK OF JOHN, and BOOK OF RACHEL, about depopulation as ordered by the true controlers of business her on planet Earth.

Found out it was more of a zombie movie. Enough with the Zombies.

Allthough the computer CGI is incredible, with the amount of people needed in each scary scene, it was well done. CGI has come a long way since fake people were inserted into the seats in the collasium for the movie "Gladiator",  and the effects were really cool, like all the undead pilling up on each other making a pyramid to the top of the wall of Jerusolum. So much detail before your eyes I'm not sure you even need to see it in 3D.

As for the scene inside the Scientific clinic, it went of a bit too long, and the plane crash walking distance to the clinic a stretch by any imagination. I would have had them stealing a car from the town they walked through, or from one of the farms. If I had written it...

Anyways, the loiting scenes and attemted rapes follow my story line a little closer, like the cop joining in the loiting, because there wasn't much left. After the Big Government Shift we will experience in the next few years, it will be the same, compounded by more floods, fires and Tornado swarms and freezes. It's explained all in my books.

The reason the plane crashed was good, like Snakes on a Plane, but with all humans perishing, zombie and healthy. At first there was a hint of rabies being the culprit. That one was plausable. Turned out to be something else, unexplained.

I can't saw anything about how they figured out the cure, but the faces of the infected will live in my nightmares for a bit.

Thanks for reading my review, tomorrow I will review MAN OF STEAL.

I should be in production of my movie, In A Gadda Da Vida in a couple months as long as my Kickstarter project goes well, and it should. Who doesn't want to see a film about late 1960's rock and roll. It was the best of time.

Soon after I will be filming BAYMEN OF BELIZE, which can be seen now as a Graphic Novel on Youtube. Here is a link to my Graphic Novel.

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