Monday, November 19, 2012


Excerpt from 'BOOK OF JOHN'

          Drinking a Coke, Jim listened in. He knew he would join in soon. First he took a swig. It tasted different then it had in the past. He looked at the label, read Coke made in China. The transformation of all manufacturing leaving the U.S. was complete.
          "Sure we can feed everyone now, but what about in 20 years when our population increases another two billion people, most of them Latin.
          They were quiet for a moment. The Viper Room had been a Hollywood hangout. Now it was like the rest of the Los Angeles population. Sixty percent Hispanic.
          They wre the only studio types there, the Producer and Cameraman having just left a script read with the principles at Gower Studios. The Distinguished Newsman was a regular.
          "Anyway, where are they going to hide all the bodies?"
          "In the desert," I joined in.
          They looked at Jim, then ignored him.
          "Look, no one can prove to me people are dying out there from anything beside starvation and exposure."
          "I've been to the 'Killing Fields'", Jim added.
          This time he got their attention, and a couple others in the room.
The Producer looked at Jim. "What do you mean."
          "In Georgia."
          The camera man said, "Georgia. isn't that where they say the answers can be found to all humanities problems."
          Our exsistance is the New World Order's problems. They have countered with mass death. I escaped the first round of killing in Elbert County. Near the American Stonehenge."


This is a companion novel to BOOK OF SIG, formally The Divine Plan. 42,500 word novel was written in 33 hours, at 1,288 words per hour, 21.5 words per minute. Could be a Guiness Record.

Product DetailsBook of Sig: Order of the Universe by Gary Braithwaite (Jul 6, 2012)

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