Saturday, November 3, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

Wow. Never has America seen such destruction. Gas lines 2 miles long, Food and water for 10 million brought in by military. Statton Island. A few washed to sea, maybe found later. Could the military handle an earthquake off Orange County, CA, a surge flooding and melting down San Onofre, whiping clean Newport Penninsula, devaluating all oceanfront property, and what's alreadt happening?
Maybe if we start bringing home our troops now to save ou own people. How many National Guard are in war zones anyway.

As Earthquakes and Super Storms and Tornado Storms and The Sudden IceMelt of 2013 and 2014, we can barely hang on.
My book, seen and linked below, explains what is happening. Even though some devine presence caused me to write "THE DIVINE PLAN", 33 years ago, I was writting about these days. Changing "THE DIVINE PLAN" to "BOOK OF SIG" this year since for some reason people felt "THE DIVINE PLAN" sounds too much like preaching so "BOOK OF SIG" it is. is up and running now, about to be used to bring attention to this story before it really happens, or, sorry, happens more.
One of these days "BOOK OF SIG" is going viral. Once my Books connection to the weather, Occupy Riots, the 144,000 incarnates, the planet Triscar, Godhead, the negative power of darkness, the expanding Universe, The Order Of The Universe, is made, then all will want to know.

BOOK OF SIG [Kindle Edition]
Gary Braithwaite

My mind is deeply involved in writing the companion book to BOOK OF SIG. BOOK OF JOHN tells John's story as the ordered universe we are soo used to begins to crack.

John, who was living outside DC when it is destroyed by a nuclear bomb, travels South to Georgia, since someone he knows said it would be a gathering place when the craziness starts. Most people evacuated from some 50 miles outside ground zero were all traveling West until they ran out of gas or electricity, since the 2015 government mandate that we all be driving electric by 2020.

His wife and daughter, killed in the atomic blast, at first blamed on terrorists, were at the Memorial over the assassination on the Capital steps, September 11, 2016, which was 2 years before the explosion.

His destination in Georgia is The American Stonehedge, were in many languages is written the bylaws of how to live life after the Apocalypse.


AMAZON   5.0 out of 5 stars timely,fast paced and relevant             
This book will leave you thinking about your own religious ideals, and how you apply them to your life. Its a futuristic tale of greed, corruption and conspiracy that is relevant to today's society.

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