Tuesday, May 21, 2013

BOOK OF RACHEL pages 268 69 70


"Am I invited?"
"To my world," he laughed looking up from the tomato plant? "Looks like you’re in."
"Can you tell me about it?"
Working the garden put me in a tranquil mood, especially after blowing up a limo. So I continued working in the below ground garden while he began to talk. He spoke for an hour, about all kinds of things, like the fact that he had set up these communes across the country in order to teach some of us how to survive in extreme conditions, like not knowing where you are and what is eatable. He used the term Godhead for the first time. I asked about what Godhead was, since I believe that term was used in some sort of Hindu religion. 
He said something about the positive and the negative, the negative being the devil, the positive being all spirited life in the Universe. As more positive spirit on any land, any planet, died, the spirit helped the Universe expand. The devil, the negative spirit, doesn't want the Universe to expand, found ways to infest these lands, or planets, turning good to bad, all positive to eternal negative.
I listened as I cut another broccoli, wondering where he was getting this information.
With a big population, mankind no longer has a central nervous system, thanks to things like beliefs, such as religions.
"Do religions have anything to do with Incarnates," I asked.
"About as much as meteorites have to do with the common cold."
That quieted me.
Anyway, it was time for me to go. I had to help somehow with the tenth installment. It was my idea, the use of drones, even though we used Radio Control Airplanes. If I was going to do the oratory, I had to tell the Underground there was a new way to fight this evil that was proliferating throughout earth, and evil that lay dormant for generations until it saw an opening, the overpopulation of earth. Well, that and the confusion of religions all fighting for dominance. Once Religions develops the theory that a good member of another religion is a dead member the evil becomes dominant.
I asked him what his plans were for me, and he said something about he was starting another commune here in the Inner City and he pegged me to oversee the youth he consigned me for later recolonization. That was it. Even a genius can take only so much before reaching overload.
I left Bill there and kissed Angela at the door and walked back to Dwaine's.

"Good, your here. I've written the script for you," actor said when I got there. Check this out. You'll love Patty's editing.
The tenth Installment with a new opening sequence, the words "The New Reality' came spinning in from a point in the background.
I read the script along with what was on the TV screen, and since we were getting used to it, it was recorded without practice.
It started with the ending and the little dynamite laden plane blowing up over the limo. I explained how this new line of attack, by using drones and powered planes laden with explosives worked very well.
Then it started at the beginning, with the broadcast of the end of Installment nine the night before, then I explained our new attack philosophy ramming little planes into vehicles, explaining how drones might be better, since the electric drones are quiet. Drones were being made up till the nuking by private companies, some traveled fifty to sixty miles per hour and literally could be bought anywhere, even Wal-Mart.    
The tiny helicopters sold everywhere could be outfitted with fireworks that disrupted any New World Order gathering.
I told who we killed, since we hadn't known till Jim showed up telling his story of his capture and subsequent escape and the killing of the other top man at New World Order Headquarters in Westwood. 
 "We killed the number two and number three men in the New World Order NOAMER organization, the number One man is Zachery Thallow, a top family member of the Illuminati family. He is our next target." I stopped for effect as the exploding plane and Limo was showing again.
Then I was on screen, "All you around the world find out who the heads of your continents are. We know of Serow Debete of Africa, Turgay of Europe, Yaan Santee of China. We don't yet know who runs South America, or Australia."
I looked at Jim. "Jim, explain what happened to you today, after we all killed the Number Three."
Jim stepped up to the microphone and camera. "This is a big day for us; both the Number One and Two Martial Law Public Enemies are together. Thank you Rachel for running my show while I've been busy and injured." He then explained how he was captured, turned in by their getaway driver, and taken back to the Headquarters, pushed Number Two out a window, and fought their way out of the ex Fed building. He told of his harrowing ride on the back of a motorcycle under the streets and buildings of L.A. in the Subway.
It was a great story, kept all us rapt, as I sure anyone who will be listening to our eight PM broadcast would be also.

After recording the New Reality Show, installment Number ten, we retired to where we needed to be. Curfew was in just under an hour, so we had to get to where we had to be.
 Patty and I headed back to Patty's in her Fiesta; Jim drove a motorcycle back to actors house in Topanga, taking old man John with him. John had been complaining about not being with his truck so he could leave when he wanted to.

On our way to Patty's we passed a number of convoys of military vehicles, and a bunch of White Buses. It appeared they were stepping up their depopulation goals no matter what our Digital Short Wave broadcasts said. Only a very tiny percent of the population were getting Digital Short Wave, so we had to figure out a way to get to more people worldwide. All the Networks were controlled by the New World Order
But, first, today as a long day so after our quick solar warmed shower, we collapsed into bed and in each other’s arms and quickly fell asleep.

Early the next morning, I awoke and kissed her right on the lips. She woke with a start, then realized where she was and who was with her. She smiled broadly, and put her free hand on my cheek.
"I am one lucky woman," she said. "I must have done something good in a past life to deserve you."
"Maybe it's me," I retorted, considering what all Bill Tomas had been telling me in the last four or five days. Some much has happened. Why, it was only a little over a week ago I picked up Randy the consummate Wounded Warrior and attacked Topanga Plaza FEMA Camp.   
Oh, yaw, it's you all right," she said as her had started massaging my right breast. Then she moved down and started suckling my little nipple
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