Monday, October 22, 2012


BOOK OF SIG [Kindle Edition]
Gary Braithwaite

The Illuminati, the most powerful and influential humans on planet, ancestors of a lifetime of controlling fate since mankind dug his way out of The Great Flood.

'THE DIVINE PLAN', written by me in 1979, and describing what happens on earth between 2012 and 2020, is going viral. The Kindle edition of The Divine Plan sells on Kindle for $2:99, Kindle Book of Sig is $4:99. Printed copies of both available for $16:00.

Professor Bill Thomas, who wrote "The Divine Plan" in 2012, is arrested for sacrilege after he gave a lecture at UCLA that explained what we are experiencing. Harsh weather extremes, earthquakes, drought condition fires, mass starvation. H explained it all, and what the correlation is between all we are experiencing and why the government doesn't want us to know, because knowing the truth will cause panic.

They know we will panic when we realize the truth, and they are set for it. 800,000 coffins in Georgia 3 bodies per coffin. FEMA CAMPS being built.
Depopulation is set to begin.

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